Book 2

Featuring French and English audio, find out what happens when Tom and Sophie discover Grandpa's latest invention and travel back in time in this colourful bilingual story for independent readers. The parallel text and accompanying audio will help you to follow their adventures in English - and in French! Pictures and speech bubbles provide a child-friendly bridge to reading - and speaking - in another language. Have fun with new French words!

Red Rock/Le rocher rouge

by Stephen Rabley

Published 2 September 2009
Lara is thrilled to join her father on the set of his latest adventure film. But then something terrible happens. Lara has to act fast to save her father. The parallel text will help you to follow Lara's own very real adventure - in French and English! Includes parallel text, speech bubbles, guidance for readers and a quiz to check understanding.

A New World/Un nouveau monde

by Stephen Rabley

Published 3 February 2010
Magnus dreams of going to sea with the Viking explorers. A big adventure awaits him. He carries a secret for one day, far in the future... The parallel text will help you follow Magnus to the 'new world' in English - and French!

Featuring French and English audio, find out what happens when the orangutan reserve at Pumai comes under threat in this colourful bilingual story for independent readers. The parallel text and accompanying audio will help you to follow Danny and his plan to save the day, in English - and in French! Pictures and speech bubbles provide a child-friendly bridge to reading - and speaking - in another language. Have fun with new French words!

Is this the end of the road for the orangutan reserve at Pumai? Who will stop logger Brad Coram from taking over and destroying everything? Danny has a plan. Find out if he wins - in French and English! Includes parallel text, speech bubbles, guidance for readers and a quiz to check understanding.

The twins' grandfather has invented an amazing watch - you can go back, or forward, in time. Whoosh! Suddenly they find themselves in Ancient Egypt. But will they ever get home again? Find out in this exciting story - in French and English. Includes parallel text, speech bubbles, guidance for readers and a quiz to check understanding.