What is my baby thinking? Why does my two-year-old suddenly throw a tantrum when it's time to go out? Is my surly teenager just acting her age, or is she suffering from a mood disorder? Questions like these have long plagued parents, teachers, and care providers. But now, with The Everything Child Psychology and Development Book, you can unlock the psyche of children and more fully understand the reasons why they do the things they do. Inside you'll find information on: * Brain development in children--starting in the womb * Cognitive and behavioral stages, from babies to teenagers * Helping your children deal with today's unprecedented stress and anxiety * The impact your family history has on emotional development * Warning signs and symptoms that should raise red flags From what your baby can understand in utero to deciphering "typical" adolescent behavior from a genuine disorder--this guide is the ideal tool for parents wanting to know more about what goes on in the mind of a child.