This revised edition of this budget traveller guide to Mexico includes expanded coverage of Baja and Yucatan, as well as having greater emphasis on eco-tourism. The book features candid information boxes where the writers share their experiences and viewpoints, covering everything from Mayan architecture to tips on sleeping in a hammock. It is aimed at the the budget-minded, adventurous traveller.

This guide designed for the budget-travel market provides comprehensive coverage of both Western and Eastern parts of Germany, and offers insights into the social, cultural and political changes sweeping the nation. It places an emphasis on getting readers off the beaten track, whether it's to unknown villages in the East, or to alternative nightclubs in Berlin's Kreuzberg district.

This new edition of the budget traveller guide to California contains reformatted coastal chapters to make the information clearer and more accessible, expanded coverage of budget accommodation, restaurants and outdoor activities, as well as new coverage of the Central Valley. It covers the entire state as well as other nearby destinations - Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon and Baja.