Book 4


by Mick Farren

Published 23 November 2002
Victor Renquist, centuries-old master of a small colony of Nosferatu, has been "recruited"-forcibly-by an undercover branch of the National Security Agency, Paranormal Operations and Research. They need his help. It seems that certain members of Hitler's Third Reich escaped to a secret world below Antarctica, taking with them some very advanced technology. Human teams have failed to infiltrate the base, and Renquist is the NSA's last chance.
The team is small: Renquist; his right-hand man, Lupo; an extremely unorthodox hardline NSA operative named Jack Coulson; and Thyme Bridewell, a failed NSA brain-control experiment originally intended as Renquist's lunch. What they find in Underland taxes even Renquist's supernormal powers. The quondam Nazis have some very powerful allies -- the Dhrakuh, a race of sentient reptiles from the dawn of time. Their goal is nothing less than the conquest of the entire world.
To make matters worse, Renquist is hampered by some throwbacks from his own race and by the unexpected arrival of one of his own colony members, Julia, together with Philipa, a darklost whom Julia has led through the Change into Nosferatu.
The future of civilization hangs in the balance.

NO. 3 OF 4

More Than Mortal

by Mick Farren

Published 11 August 2001
Something very strange and potentially powerful and dangerous has been unearthed in a prehistoric burial mound in southern England. Renquist is lured to the UK by a trio of devious female nosferatu to see the mystery for himself. He discovers that the being in the mound is Merlin-and he definitely differs from his reputation as the benign wizard of Camelot. He is something as non-human as the nosferatu-emerging from centuries long hibernation. To complicate matters, a wild and barbaric clan of Scots vampires kidnap the sleeping Merlin, wake him-and then all hell breaks loose.