Vol 1

The Aliens have always been here, and only the Guardians can save us from them...and from ourselves. The 1st of our SCI-FI channelbranded fiction series. The Krilov Continuum - a mystery that links the Tunguska explosiom to area 51, via a bloodline of Russia scientists. They have always been here. In early times we called them Gods, or Faeries , or Demons, sometimes merely inspiration. Now we wouldcall them aliens. An extraterrestrial race has been watching over mankind since we first became conscious. Most of them, the Librans, wish merely to monitor our progress and allow us to reach the stars and join the family of intelligent space-born races. But a small group, the Anarchs, have decided we are too dangerous, too aggressive, to be allowed out into space. Denied direct intervention they aim instead to hothouse us to destruction, giving us technology long before we are ready to use it. They sat at the elbow of Oppenheimer, Von Braun, Tesla, Stephenson and Da Vinci. Their motto - every idea in it's time. Their mission - to save us from ourselves. Their only doubt - who is right