As a result of the success of Help Your Child to Succeed Parent's Guide - and in resonse to requests from teachers, Family Learning workers and a variety of local authority staff - we have developed this Toolkit of training materials. the Help Your Child to Succeed Toolkit provides learning professionals with everything required to run a programme for parents on helping children to learn and succeed. Like that of the Parent's Guide, the strtructure of the Toolkit is easily accessible, with each section containing a balance of information, reflective activities and practicle suggestions. The Facilitator's Handbook describes in detail ten sessions, each tying in with one chapter from the Parent's Guide and suggesting many possible activities and discussion points. The material is designed for maximum flexibility. You might feel that your potential parent audience would be more comfortable with a shorter course, or with slimmed-down sessions.
Or you might decide to use the ideas described to communicate with parents in an entirely different way, for example: a parent's evening session on 'How to help your child learn'; a Saturday School for parents; a series of twilight sessions; a parents' book club; notes sent home via school newsletter; an open course hosted by a school or community centre; part of the core content for childcare classes; a dads' step-dads' and granddads' Help Your Child to Succeed workshop; notes on a school website. The Help Your Child to Succeed Toolkit can play a significant part in getting parents involved in their child's development ast school and home. The pack contains: Help Your Child to Succeed Parent's Guide; Facilitator's A4 Handbook, 96 pages in full colour; 4 sets of 12 A5 double-sided Parenting Cards; 4 sets of 32 A6 Family Game Cards; CD-ROM; World Map Poster

Help Your Child to Succeed

by Bill Lucas and Alistair Smith

Published 1 September 2002
This text has been written to help parents and families learn together more effectively in a complex world. For the home and its immediate environment offer wonderful opportunities for discovery, exploration, play, education and learning. Every parent wants the best for their child. They want their children to do well at school and to get a good job. They want them to be happy, to realize their talents. But sometimes they do not know how best they can help. Sometimes they do not have the right words, or they are not sure how to give their children the lift up that they need. This book provides parents with questions, answers, activities and tips on how to help their child succeed.