"Read and Learn" is a collection of non-fiction books that helps young readers discover and understand the world around them,and provides a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. "Ooey-gooey Animals" introduces six different animals that have a combination of features that are both fascinating and repellent...Read more

"Read and learn" is a collection of non-fiction books aimed at helping young readers discover and understand the world around them; and to provide a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. The "Sea Life" books look at different animals that live in water. They introduce young...Read more

"Read and Learn" is a collection of non-fiction books that helps young readers discover and understand the world around them,and provides a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. "Ooey-gooey Animals" introduces six different animals that have a combination of features that are both fascinating and repellent...Read more

"Read and learn" is a collection of non-fiction books aimed at helping young readers discover and understand the world around them; and to provide a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. The "Sea Life" books look at different animals that live in water. They introduce young...Read more


by Lola M Schaefer

Published 1 February 2002
"Read and Learn" is a collection of non-fiction books that helps young readers discover and understand the world around them,and provides a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. "Ooey-gooey Animals" introduces six different animals that have a combination of features that are both fascinating and repellent...Read more

"Read and Learn" is a collection of non-fiction books that helps young readers discover and understand the world around them,and provides a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. "Ooey-gooey Animals" introduces six different animals that have a combination of features that are both fascinating and repellent...Read more

"Read and Learn" is a collection of non-fiction books that helps young readers discover and understand the world around them,and provides a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. "Ooey-gooey Animals" introduces six different animals that have a combination of features that are both fascinating and repellent...Read more

"Read and Learn" is a collection of non-fiction books that helps young readers discover and understand the world around them,and provides a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. "Ooey-gooey Animals" introduces six different animals that have a combination of features that are both fascinating and repellent...Read more

"Read and Learn" is a collection of non-fiction books that helps young readers discover and understand the world around them,and provides a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. "Ooey-gooey Animals" introduces six different animals that have a combination of features that are both fascinating and repellent...Read more

"Read and learn" is a collection of non-fiction books aimed at helping young readers discover and understand the world around them; and to provide a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. The "Sea Life" books look at different animals that live in water. They introduce young...Read more

"Read and learn" is a collection of non-fiction books aimed at helping young readers discover and understand the world around them; and to provide a bridge from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. The "Sea Life" books look at different animals that live in water. They introduce young...Read more