South Africa 1948-1994

by Martin Roberts

Published 8 October 1990
The book has two main aims. First, to outline the history of South Africa and to show how the roots of the present tragic situation lie deep in the past. Secondly, to present some of the evidence which historians are using to work out what happened and why. The book is divided into three parts, dating from the earliest times to the Mineral Revolution and Apartheid. Students are encouraged to analyze the documentary material in order to understand the reasons for the many changes in South African history. It discusses the changes brought about by the discovery of the country's rich mineral wealth, and the subsequent white control of industry and explains how the white minority took political and economic control and the effects on the black community. The sources are designed to encourage students to recognise the interplay of the different historical factors in determining the present state of South Africa and rather than focusing, in isolation, on the contemporary issue of apartheid, the book shows how the country's history has shaped that development.
Relevant maps are included throughout, showing geographical military and political features and there are questions and assignments which arise directly from the source material. It is designed for 14-16 year old secondary school students of average to above average ability and is suitable for all GCSE syllabuses.