Code Breaker

by Alastair MacNeill

Published 5 December 1994

Coded documents revealing the identities of every UNACO agent have been stolen, puttling every agency life at risk. The ransom is huge but the criminal mastermind is also threatening to launch nuclear missiles if UNACO refuse to cooperate. With the clock ticking, can UNACO survive?

A major crisis threatens UNACO. In a terrifying attack at Lisbon airport a world-renowned cryptologist is captured along with vital coded documents about the operations of this top-secret security organization.

The UNACO team is immediately called in. Mike Graham, Sabrina Carver and C.W. Whitlock soon find themselves caught up in a desperate race to track down the files before they can be decoded.

Before long, they realize they are dealing with one of the most successful and dangerous minds of the former Soviet Union - and, worse still, they are under threat at home from someone with the power to blow their cover.

A pulsating story that builds to a nail-biting climax, Alistair MacLean's Code Breaker is a thriller worthy of the master himself. It is the sixth novel to be written by Alastair MacNeill from a MacLean story outline.

Red Alert

by Alastair MacNeill

Published 11 July 1991

A deadly virus has been stolen, and the thieves plan to use the hundred million pound ransom to fund terrorist armies. When the mission looks impossible, the world calls upon UNACO.

The Italian Red Brigades raid the US-owned Neo Chem laboratory between Rome and Tivoli and steal a vial of deadly DNA virus. They plan to trade the vial – which if opened could kill millions – for a hundred million pounds, to be paid to the terrorist armies of five European countries.

The deadline approaches: a summit conference in Switzerland, at which the terrorists threaten to release the virus into the atmosphere if their demands are not met.

UNACO agents Mike Graham, C.W. Whitlock and Sabrina Carver are summoned back urgently from leave. Their mission is to find and secure the vial before a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions takes place…

Dead Halt

by Alastair MacNeill

Published 13 December 1993

The discovery of an arms cache bound for the IRA leads two agents to a terrifying cartel of arms dealers, the Mafia and international power-brokers all hellbent on destabilising the West. When the mission looks impossible, who do you call? UNACO.

When a schooner is wrecked off the coast of Nantucket, a group of children discover a treasure trove on the beach – brand-new Armalite assault rifles destined for the IRA.

UNACO agents Mike Graham and Sabrina Carver, their working relationship as volatile as ever, are pitched into the investigation and they soon find themselves tested to the limit in a web of intrigue that takes them from America to London, Switzerland and Ireland.

Arms, drugs, the Mafia and an international power game are at the centre of this complex and compelling story which moves at a cracking pace as time runs out for UNACO and the forces of peace.

Alistair MacLean’s Dead Halt is the fifth novel to be written by Alastair MacNeill from a MacLean story outline. Readers will find this novel offers the same suspense and excitement as the bestsellers by the master storyteller himself.

Time of the Assassins

by Alastair MacNeill

Published 3 December 1992

The African state of Zimbala has a new leader, but someone wants him dead – and the only man who knows details of the hit is being hunted by UNACO’s top agent on an illegal mission of personal vengeance. Can UNACO stop their top assassin from killing his nemesis?

Alphonse Mobuto has ruled the state of Zimbala for forty-five years. On his death, the Presidency passes to his eldest son, Jamel. Determined to introduce democracy and rid Zimbala of his father’s oppressive regime, Jamel faces retribution from those who once benefited from it.

In New York to deliver an important speech at the UN, Jamel is an obvious target for an assassin’s bullet. The time and place of the assassination are known by only one man, Jean Jacque Bernard, an international terrorist and now a CIA operative.

Clearly a case for UNACO. But deputy director Serge Kolchinsky realizes he has a potentially explosive situation on his hands. For he discovers crack team member Mike Graham has gone AWOL. Graham is in Beirut on a strictly illegal mission of personal vengeance – to track down and kill Bernard…

Fast-paced and compulsive, Time of the Assassins is the fourth novel to be written by Alastair MacNeill from a detailed story outline by Alistair MacLean. Although MacLean died in 1987, it is hoped that his many fans will find that these novels offer the same pace and excitement as the bestsellers by the master himself.

Night Watch

by Alastair MacNeill

Published 4 March 2010

Someone has stolen the world’s most famous painting and replaced it with a fake. When the mission looks impossible, the world calls upon UNACO.

After lengthy negotiations the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam agrees to send its priceless Rembrandt, ‘Night Watch’, on a tour of the world’s art galleries. Security is intensive. Even so, when the painting arrives in New York it is discovered to be a fake.

UNACO is immediately called into action. Agents Mike Graham, C.W. Whitlock and Sabrina Carver must find out who is responsible for the brilliant forgery and, most important, who now has the original in his private collection.

Speed and secrecy are vital. The hunt leads them to Rio de Janeiro at Carnival time, where their quarry is secure in his mountain fortress, high above the sea…

Death Train

by Alastair MacNeill

Published 10 May 1993

In Europe a train carrying a deadly cargo has been hijacked. When the mission looks impossible, the world calls upon UNACO.

Somewhere in Europe a train is carrying a deadly cargo of plutonium-IV packed in six reinforced steel kegs. But one of the kegs has been damaged…

A unit of UNACO is sent to track down the kegs – and find out how and why the plutonium was stolen in the first place. Agents Sabrina Carver, Mike Graham and C.W. Whitlock find themselves up against a powerful conspiracy of interests, including a sinister arms dealer and a highly placed business magnate. Then comes the most frightening discovery of all.

Only five of the kegs contain plutonium. The contents of the sixth keg could have catastrophic results for the whole of Europe for generations to come.

And time isn’t on their side…

A deadly virus has been stolen, and the thieves plan to use the hundred million pound ransom to fund terrorist armies. When the mission looks impossible, the world calls upon UNACO. The Italian Red Brigades raid the US-owned Neo Chem laboratory between Romeand Tivoli and steal a vial of deadly DNA virus. They plan to trade the vial - which if opened could kill millions - for a hundred million pounds, to be paid to the the terrorist armies of five European countries. The deadline approaches: a summit conference in Switzerland, at which the terrorists threaten to release the virus into the atmosphere if their demands are not met. UNACO agents Mike Graham, C.W. Whitlock and Sabrina Carver are summoned back urgently from leave. Their mission is to find and secure the vial before a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions takes place...