Doune Castle

by Nicki Scott

Published 16 July 2020

One of Scotland's finest late-medieval strongholds, Doune Castle stands high on a promontory between the River Teith and the Ardoch Burn in Perthshire. It is a testament to the power of one nobleman, Robert Stewart, Duke of Albany. He was known as Scotland's 'uncrowned king', and the castle was one of his main residences in the late 1300s.

For a long time Albany has been credited with the complete construction of the castle, making Doune a remarkable example of a medieval fortress built as one man's vision. However, fresh research is casting new light on Doune Castle, suggesting a much more complex history dating back to the century before Albany and beyond.

Iona Abbey and Nunnery

by Peter Yeoman and Nicki Scott

Published 16 July 2020

The tiny island of Iona has been a vibrant centre of Christian worship since Columba arrived in AD 563. His monastery thrived for centuries, despite repeated Viking raids beginning in 795. Around 1200, the abbey and nunnery were founded, introducing new forms of worship and new buildings, while still welcoming pilgrims to St Columba’s shrine.


Even after the Protestant Reformation of 1560 brought an end to Scotland’s monasteries, Iona served briefly as a Cathedral of the Isles. Restoration of the buildings began in 1899, and in 1938 the Iona Community was formed, revitalising the abbey’s spiritual role. This unique site bears witness to a long history of religious practice that still flourishes today.