Lucky Poet

by Hugh MacDiarmid

Published July 1972
First published in 1943, this book had a minatory subtitle: A Self-Study in Literature and Political Ideas, being the Autobiography of Hugh MacDiarmid. It has more in common with Coleridge's Biographia Literaria than with conventional memoirs.

The Raucle Tongue

by Hugh MacDiarmid

Published 30 January 1997
This volume contains the previously uncollected essays, journalism and interviews of Hugh MacDiarmid, as part of Carcanet's MacDiarmid 2000 programme. Other titles in the series include Complete Poems, Lucky Poet, Contemporary Scottish Studies and Scottish Eccentrics.


by Hugh MacDiarmid

Published 30 January 1997
This volume contains the shorter books and monographs of Hugh MacDiarmid, as part of Carcanet's MacDiarmid 2000 programme. Other titles in the series include Complete Poems, Lucky Poet, Contemporary Scottish Studies and Scottish Eccentrics.