Throughout the centuries, Native American tribes have populated North America. Each generation left a unique mark on the continent. Many nations formed thriving communities in coastal towns, on mountainsides, and in the valleys, hills, and forests. They had their own beliefs, religious practices, and rituals. One such tribe was the Blackfeet. This book explores the history of the Blackfeet, their culture, customs, and traditions, and describes the importance of the tribe today. Bibliography, Biographies, Full-Color Photographs, Detailed Table of Contents, Further Information Section, Glossary, Illustrations, Maps, Primary Sources, Pronunciation Guide, Recipes, Timelines, Websites.

For generations, Native American tribes have called North America home. They have hunted animals in the forests and rivers, battled elements of Mother Nature, and built thriving communities on the many different geographical climes the continent offers. The Choctaw are among the most well-known tribes today. This book details how the tribe began, what they are like today, and how they are making their mark on the world for a bright future. Bibliography, Biographies, Black-and-White Photographs, Detailed Table of Contents, Full-Color Photographs, Further Information Section, Glossary, Illustrations, Maps, Primary Sources, Pronunciation Guide, Recipes, Timelines, Websites.

The history of Native Americans in North America stretches millennia. One Native group that evolved from one of the first tribes is the Crow. This group traveled the migration routes of the buffalo in the Plains. They made peace with some tribes and war with others. The men and women of the Crow Nation today celebrate their heritage and history.

Native Americans were the first people to call North America home. Each nation, or tribe, has its own history, full of tales of triumph and hardship. The Menominee Nation settled in the upper Midwest. Throughout their existence, they have faced many obstacles and fought for many causes. This is the story of how they became a culture and where they are today.

Over the course of its history, North America has been home to many different animals, including humans. The first humans to call North America home came over thousands of years ago from Russia. They traveled the earth looking for animals to provide meat and clothing. One of these groups contained the ancestors of the Delaware. The Delaware Nation was one of the first nations to encounter English settlers. Their story of triumph, hardship, and how they overcame obstacles to remain one of the standard communities today is told here.

For thousands of years, Native American tribes have populated North America. They built great civilizations, cultures, and communities in the hills, valleys, and forests of the continent. They sang songs that gave praise to their gods, and taught their children the stories and beliefs of their people. One of the most well-known and well-remembered tribes was the Navajo. Despite encountering hardship and the Long Walk in the 1860s, they developed a rich culture that persists to this day. Bibliography, Biographies, Black-and-White Photographs, Detailed Table of Contents, Full-Color Photographs, Further Information Section, Glossary, Illustrations, Maps, Primary Sources, Pronunciation Guide, Recipes, Timelines, Websites.

People have inhabited North America for centuries. Among their descendants are many Native American tribes. Today, one tribe with a rich history is the Mandan. The Mandan have a vibrant culture and past, filled with challenges and triumphs. This book discusses the Mandan s beginnings, as well as their present-day happenings, and explores their future in an ever-changing world. Bibliography, Black-and-White Photographs, Detailed Table of Contents, Full-Color Photographs, Further Information Section, Glossary, Illustrations, Primary Sources, Recipes, Timelines.

North America has been shaped by many people, most importantly the Native Americans who were the first humans to call the continent home. Over thousands of years, numerous groups of Native Americans have settled throughout North America. Today, one of the most well-known and recognizable tribes is the Inuit. They have called the northern recesses of Canada home for many hundreds of years. Their culture, communities, and language have been well preserved and continue to fascinate people around the world. Despite their continued presence, they have endured difficulties and hardships. This is the story of the Inuit, how they became a nation, their influence on the world, and how they have evolved into the Inuit communities today.

Thousands of years ago, groups of people came to settle in North America. These people are today known as Native Americans. One group of Native people is called the Huron. They came to settle in the United States and Canada. During their history, they have endured hardships and tackled many obstacles. Today they still have a presence in society. This is their story, told sensitively and with vivid period-specific and contemporary photographs.

For thousands of years, Native American tribes have roamed the North American landscape. Some followed the routes of their prey; others chose to settle in areas with plenty of food already at hand. One of the nomadic tribes was the Apache, a tribe still existing today. Their earliest ancestors came to settle in the southwestern United States thousands of years ago. Despite hardships, today they remain a tribe connected to the land and committed to keeping it safe. This is the story of the Apache, from the deepest past to the present day.

North America was inhabited Native tribes some ten thousand years ago. As generations passed, the tribes formed individual communities, full of rich customs, beliefs, and ideals. Despite facing hardship in later centuries, the First People of North America continue to thrive in modern times. This book discusses the origin of the Tlingit, their rituals, beliefs, and culture, and their importance in society today. Bibliography, Biographies, Black-and-White Photographs, Detailed Table of Contents, Full-Color Photographs, Further Information Section, Glossary, Illustrations, Maps, Primary Sources, Pronunciation Guide, Recipes, Timelines, Websites.

The Arapaho is a tribe with ancient origins. Their ancestors populated North America and spread their influence throughout the continent. Eventually, their encounters with Europeans challenged their way of life and transformed their communities forever. This book discusses the tribe s beginnings, its history, and its presence today, celebrating the men, women, and children who have made up the tribe throughout its existence. Bibliography, Biographies, Full-Color Photographs, Detailed Table of Contents, Black-and-White Photographs, Further Information Section, Glossary, Illustrations, Maps, Primary Sources, Pronunciation Guide, Recipes, Timelines, Websites.

For thousands of years, Native Americans have called North America home. They built great cities, communities, and cultures in the continent s hills, valleys, deserts, and forests. However, for many, with the arrival of Europeans, traditional ways of life were challenged and sometimes eradicated entirely. As was the case with many Native tribes living on the West Coast, the Chumash were eventually influenced by the California missions and Catholic priests that populated the region from the 1700s onward. This is the story of how they persisted, despite hardship, and what life for Chumash members is like today. Bibliography, Biographies, Black-and-White Photographs, Detailed Table of Contents, Full-Color Photographs, Further Information Section, Glossary, Illustrations, Maps, Primary Sources, Pronunciation Guide, Recipes, Timelines, Websites.

Native Americans first came to settle North America many thousands of years ago. The Cree is an ancient group that chose to set up their communities in Quebec, Canada. Their ancestors passed down their history from one generation to the next through word of mouth. As years passed, the Cree built communities and faced many challenges. This is the story of the Cree nation, how they survived hardships and obstacles, and continued into the present day.