Danger! It lurks at every corner. Quicksand. Sharks. Cyberbullies. Super-Flu. From wrestling an alligator to evading drones to landing a plane if the pilot passes out, The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook is here to help with expert, illustrated, step-by-step instructions for life's sudden turns for the worst. Needed now...Read more

With over 9 million copies worldwide, the Worst-Case Scenario series has been preparing readers for dangers of all kinds for more than a decade. This handsome large-format hardcover compendium is truly the ultimate guide for handling life's inevitable Worst-Case Scenarios, collecting, for the first time, hundreds of the best...Read more

Covering the range of romantic and relationship perils, it's a bedside bible of expert advice that will keep readers amused and disaster-free in equal measure, with chapters on Defensive Dating, First Impressions, On the Date, Getting It On, Relationship Survival Skills, It's Over (Let's Be Friends), Wallowing, Moving On,...Read more