Book 1

Time And Again: Vol 1

by Jiun Yun

Published 21 January 2010
'A grudge is a sentiment that is chained down and cannot move. That fixed sentiment becomes sadness, and when that sadness remains chained with no becomes hostile...' Baek-On and Ho-Yeon are exorcists-for-hire, traveling throughout the country in search of grudges and ghosts. Each encounter reveals a story of...Read more

Book 2

Time And Again: Vol 2

by Jiun Yun

Published 1 April 2010
'Why do we even burn with love...when we all become pitiful and sad in the end?'Baek-On has learned a thing or two on his travels dispatching spirits throughout the land: Love is a powerful emotion-even in death. Baek-On has made his fair share of love talismans, but even to...Read more

Book 4

Time And Again: Vol 4

by Jiun Yun

Published 16 November 2010
'After it's too late to turn back, after it's too late even to regret...only then, realization comes with great pain.'On occasion, life offers an unexpected blessing: a natural talent, a promising opportunity, or even a spot of good luck. But human nature will not be satisfied by simply enjoying...Read more

Book 5

Time And Again: Vol 5

by Jiun Yun

Published 15 March 2011
'There is no such thing as absolute right or absolute wrong in this world.' Though he spends much of his time dealing with ghosts and grudges, even exorcist Baek-On sometimes forgets the chasm that divides the world of humans from that of the spirits. Their ways of thinking and...Read more