Magical Animals
6 total works
Regenerative animals are survivors. Species with this ability can regrow limbs, skin, organs and more! Find out how these animals use regeneration to evade predators and stay alive.
All living things develop through a unique life cycle, but some animals go through greater changes than others. This transformation is called metamorphosis. Learn more about two types of metamorphosis, complete and incomplete. Discover what animals are like throughout the stages of their lives.
You never know what is watching you! From butterflies and walking sticks to owls and lizards, the world is full of animals that don't want to be seen. Using their abilities to camouflage, they blend in to survive.
Bioluminescence benefits animals in many ways. Some animals with this ability use their light to lure prey, distract predators or to attract a mate. Learn more about how animals use bioluminescence to help them survive in their environments.
Magical Animals shows you the amazing abilities of some of the world's most adaptive species. Learn how animals regrow limbs and organs. Discover which animals are hiding in plain sight. Explore major transformative life cycles and more!