The Queen of Techworld, afraid that Snow White will supplant her as the smartest scientist, exiles the child--but the robots that she repairs save her and help her defeat the evil queen.

Beauty is sailing the ocean when pirates attack and, to her horror, her father is thrown overboard. Just as he sinks beneath the waves, something horrible rises, a kraken! Without hesitation, Beauty makes a deal to become the giant squid's prisoner if it rescues her father. But as Beauty explores the island she's now marooned on, she discovers secret treasure that may hold the key to saving herself ... and the sea beast. Experience the classic "Beauty and the Beast" fairy tale like never before in this graphic novel retelling. With information on the original tale, a guide to the story's twists and visual discussion questions, this book will engage and excite readers in equal measure.

What do you get when classic fairy tales are twisted about, turned inside out, and reworked for the graphic novel format? Far Out Fairy Tales! Discover what Snow White would be like if she were raised by robots. Find out how Cinderella's story plays out when she walks the path of the ninja. Play along when three billy goats named Gruff get stuck inside a video game. Chase down the Big Bad Wolf with the help of a superpowered Red Riding Hood! Each fairy tale revision holds true to the spirit of the original while adding a modern twist to the classic tales we know and love. Experience fairy tales like never before in this innovative series of full-color comic books for kids!

Super Billy Goats Gruff

by Sean Tulien

Published 7 April 2016
Once upon a time, three billy goats named Gruff were traveling to the hillside to snack on some green grass -- when they suddenly find themselves trapped inside a video game! The good news: the three billy goat brothers become SUPER billy goats! One becomes a Warrior, one becomes a Ninja, and one becomes a Wizard. The bad news: the green field of grass is gone -- and in its place is Hillside Castle, a dangerous dungeon filled with creepy-crawlies and fantastical foes! Can the goats make their way through the castle to get their grass -- or will the toothsome troll named Final Boss feast on them for his lunch?