Volume 1

Sir William Henry Sleeman (1788-1856) was a British soldier and administrator in India. While serving as Resident at the court of the King of Oude in Lucknow he travelled around the kingdom and made reports to the Governor-General regarding its proposed annexation by the East India Company. His letters and diaries reveal him as a capable and just administrator, who was at pains to weigh all the evidence for and against annexation, and who believed that reform of the existing administration would be possible. Sleeman described the kingdom of Oude as suffering from maladministration, lawlessness and corruption, but he stressed that illegal annexation would lead to resentment and rebellion. This book, containing Sleeman's account of his journey and a selection of private correspondence, was originally published in Lucknow in 1852; this reissue reproduces the 1858 London edition. Volume 1 covers the first six weeks of Sleeman's tour.

Volume 2

Lieutenant-Colonel William Henry Sleeman (1788-1856) spent his entire career in India as an army officer and later as a magistrate and resident. He was best known for his fight to suppress the activities of 'thugs', bands of criminals who attacked, robbed and often murdered innocent travellers. By the time of the publication of this two-volume work in 1844, Sleeman had lived in India for more than thirty years. In Volume 2, Sleeman examines many issues related to governance, such as land, tax, military discipline and the justice system, and he recounts some of the extensive conversations he had with Indians on these matters. His travels in this volume takes him through Gwalior, Dholpur, Agra and Bharatpur, and the book includes plates of some of the spectacular buildings that he visits.

Volume 2

Sir William Henry Sleeman (1788-1856) was a British soldier and administrator in India. While serving as Resident at the court of the King of Oude in Lucknow he travelled around the kingdom and made reports to the Governor-General regarding its proposed annexation by the East India Company. His letters and diaries reveal him as a capable and just administrator, who was at pains to weigh all the evidence for and against annexation, and who believed that reform of the existing administration would be possible. Sleeman described the kingdom of Oude as suffering from maladministration, lawlessness and corruption, but stressed that illegal annexation would lead to resentment and rebellion. This book, containing Sleeman's account of his journey and a selection of private correspondence, was originally published in Lucknow in 1852; this reissue reproduces the 1858 London edition. Volume 2 discusses the social and economic condition of the kingdom.

Lieutenant-Colonel William Henry Sleeman (1788-1856) spent his entire career in India as an army officer and later as a magistrate and resident. He was best known for his fight to suppress the activities of 'thugs', bands of criminals who attacked, robbed and often murdered innocent travellers. By the time of the publication of this two-volume work in 1844, Sleeman had lived in India for more than thirty years. In Volume 1, he draws on his travels and experiences, and over 48 chapters he discusses myriad aspects of Indian life, including Hinduism, local festivals and folklore, the 'thugs' he tried to eradicate, disease and famine, and the natural world. He also details the lives of a wide range of Indians, from key historical figures such as Aurungzebe, the Mogul emperor, to the ordinary people he encountered, such as washerwomen and elephant-drivers.

Sir William Henry Sleeman (1788-1856) was a British soldier and administrator in India. While serving as Resident at the court of the King of Oude in Lucknow he travelled around the kingdom and made reports to the Governor-General regarding its proposed annexation by the East India Company. His letters and diaries reveal him as a capable and just administrator, who was at pains to weigh all the evidence for and against annexation, and who believed that reform of the existing administration would be possible. Sleeman described the kingdom of Oude as suffering from maladministration, lawlessness and corruption, but he stressed that illegal annexation would lead to resentment and rebellion. This book, containing Sleeman's account of his journey and a selection of his private correspondence opposing annexation, was originally published in Lucknow in 1852; this reissue reproduces the 1858 London edition.

Lieutenant-Colonel William Henry Sleeman (1788-1856) spent his entire career in India as an army officer and later as a magistrate and resident. He was best known for his fight to suppress the activities of 'thugs', bands of criminals who attacked, robbed and often murdered innocent travellers. By the time of the publication of this two-volume work in 1844, Sleeman had lived in India for more than thirty years. In Volume 2, Sleeman examines many issues related to governance, such as land, tax, military discipline and the justice system, and he recounts some of the extensive conversations he had with Indians on these matters. His travels in this volume takes him through Gwalior, Dholpur, Agra and Bharatpur, and the book includes plates of some of the spectacular buildings that he visits.

Lieutenant-Colonel William Henry Sleeman (1788-1856) spent his entire career in India, as an army officer and later as a magistrate and resident. He was best known for his fight to suppress the activities of 'thugs', bands of criminals who attacked, robbed and often murdered innocent travellers. By the time of the publication of this two-volume work in 1844, Sleeman had lived in India for more than thirty years. In Volume 1, he draws on his travels and experiences, and in 48 chapters discusses myriad aspects of Indian life, including Hinduism, local festivals and folklore, natural history and disease. In Volume 2 Sleeman examines many issues related to governance, such as land, tax, military discipline and the justice system. The work includes plates of some of the spectacular buildings that he visits.