Book 6

Girls Are Groovy!

by Jean Ure

Published 29 August 2002
Meet the girlfriends! Polly, Keri, Frizz and Lily. They're the Gang of Four, and they're going to stick together for ever and ever! But, why then does Keri keep inviting her new school friend, Jemima, to their special Saturday 'Gang of Four' meetings? And why is Frizz behaving so...Read more

Book 7

Boys Are Ok!

by Jean Ure

Published 29 August 2002
Meet the girlfriends! Polly, Keri, Frizz and Lily. They're the Gang of Four, and they're going to stick together for ever and ever! When Polly gets back from summer camp it seems that all her friends have grown up and left her behind. Even Frizz is wearing a bra!...Read more

Boys Will be Boys

by Jean Ure

Published 6 August 2009
Polly is really looking forward to a trip to the seaside with her best friends and their boyfriends. It'll be brilliant, all eight of them together! But then Polly's plans start to fall apart as, one by one, her friends' relationships hit trouble. Soon she finds herself stuck in...Read more

Girls Stick Together!

by Jean Ure

Published 29 August 2002
Meet the girlfriends! Polly, Keri, Frizz and Lily. They're the Gang of Four, and they're determined to be best friends for ever! Inevitably things have changed now the girls are all at different schools, and Polly has to take some hard decisions about remaining loyal to Frizz, or teaming...Read more

Pink Knickers Aren't Cool

by Jean Ure

Published 29 August 2002
Meet Polly, Keri, Frizz and Lily - they're the Gang of Four, and they're determined to be best friends for ever! Their bond of friendship is severely tested, though, when they discover that they are all going off to different schools in the autumn. And poor Frizz is going...Read more

Boys R Us

by Jean Ure

Published 5 March 2009

The Gang of Four are growing up. It seems to Polly that they spend most of their spare time with their boyfriends, and even when they are together, all they do is talk about boys.
Polly's not sure whether boys really are her. Wasn't it better when it was just...

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Boys Are Back

by Jean Ure

Published 5 August 2010

They're the GIRLFRIENDS - Polly, Keri, Frizz and Lily. They're totally INSEPARABLE, but totally INDIVIDUAL too!

A brand-new story in this brilliant series: unmissable books for girls!

Polly and Rees have split up, but Polly's not sure she wants to be like Keri - who never seems to stick with the...

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Boys Behaving Badly

by Jean Ure

Published 1 April 2010

They're the GIRLFRIENDS - Polly, Keri, Frizz and Lily. They're totally INSEPARABLE, but totally INDIVIDUAL too!

A brand-new story in this brilliant series: unmissable books for girls!

Polly's getting tired of doing the same things with her boyfriend, Rees, especially when his idea of fun is training their dogs together! Her...

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