Book 24

The Maiden of Orleans

by John T Krumpelmann

Published 1 January 1959
This is an American contribution to the 1959 bicentennial celebration of Schiller's birth prepared by Dr. Krumpelmann, translator of Kleist's Der zerbrochene Krug and some works of Hans Sachs and Andreas Gryphius.

Book 51

This treasury of enlightening information reveals the roles of youthful Southerners in academic, scholarly, and literary society in Weimar, Gottingen, Bonn, Berlin, Heidelberg, and Munich in the Golden Age of Germany. In this piece of German-American cultural history, Krumpelmann traces the paths and influence of young men from the American South who attended German universities in the age of Goethe. Discussed are Hugh Legare, Jesse Burton Harrison, George Henry Calvert, Thomas Caute Reynolds, Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, James Woodrow, and others.