Book 1

The Biscuit Witch

by Deborah Smith

Published 1 January 2013
Tallulah MacBride hasn't been back to North Carolina since her parents' tragic deaths twenty years ago. Now Tal heads to cousin Delta Whittlespoon's famous Crossroads Cafe in the mountains above Asheville, hoping to find a safe hiding place for her young daughter. What she finds is Cousin Delta gone, the cafe in a biscuit crisis, and a Scotsman who believes she needs a knight in shining flannel. And then a pair of sinister private eyes shows up.

Book 2

The Pickle Queen

by Deborah Smith

Published 15 November 2013
Wakefields take what they want. MacBrides never surrender. For nearly a hundred years, a battle of wills between these two deeply-rooted Appalachian families has ended in defeat and heartache -- most often, for MacBrides. Now the MacBride name is barely more than a legend, and it's up to Gabby MacBride to deal with the pain of her childhood memories and also the challenge of a MacBride legacy she's only beginning to understand. That will mean coming to terms with her bittersweet love for Jay Wakefield, the lonely rich boy who became her soul mate when they were kids, before the dark demands of his own legacy forced him to betray her.