Illustrations accompanying the cumulative nursery rhyme about the chain of events that start when Jack builds a house tell a story different from the traditional one.

The Wild Washerwomen

by John Yeoman

Published 1 January 1979
Seven washerwomen, sick of their work, go on an uncontrollable rampage, only to meet their match in seven very dirty woodcutters.

The Heron and the Crane

by John Yeoman

Published 4 November 1999
Crane is lonely at his end of the swamp. Heron lives on the other side, and Crane decides that they would be perfect for each other. However Heron isn't sure she agrees. Proposals and rejections, arguments and reconciliations - will Heron and Crane ever come together and overcome their differences?

Up with Birds!

by John Yeoman

Published 2 July 1998
The Fflyte family find birds a nuisance as does everyone else, for there is simply not enough room for them on the ground. It is only when Mr Fflyte invents a flying machine that the birds finally learn to fly.

Rumbelow's Dance

by John Yeoman

Published September 1982
Rumbelow is so excited to visit his grandparents that he can't help but dance all the way there. His dance is infectious, and it isn't long before a whole host of characters - including a lazy pig and a flock of geese - join him on his journey. But will Rumbelow's grandparents have enough tea to give to all his new friends?

Mr. Nodd's Ark

by John Yeoman

Published 5 October 1995
Mr Nodd is a keen amateur carpenter - he has made a wooden umbrella for his wife, wooden bicycles for Ham and Shem and a wooden romper-suit for little Japhet. As he has wood left he decides to build a boat in the garden and so he builds his ark.

Sixes and Sevens

by John Yeoman

Published 25 November 1976
When Barnaby sets off on his raft, his mother tells him to stop at each village on the way to Limber Lea. Along the way he ends up collecting a wild and surprising bunch of passengers - including three schoolmistresses and ten grasshoppers!. Will Barnaby be able to transport them all to Limber Lea without any mishaps?