Book 1

Tank Attack

by J. Eldridge

Published 27 May 1999
Based on real-life war events, this book tells the story of the desert campaign in Africa, culminating in the turning point of El Alamein, from the perspective of a young soldier. The story is supplemented by an introduction with maps, kit lists, illustrations, a centre section with actual photographs, and an epilogue with the final map positions, fatalities and a note on the significance of the battle.

Book 2

Deadly Skies

by J. Eldridge

Published 27 May 1999
A historically accurate first person narrative based on a real life war event. The book tells the story from the perspective of a young soldier as he fights his way through a particular significant conflict. The story itself is supplemented by an introduction with maps, kit lists, rations and illustrations, a centre section with actual photographs and an epilogue with the final map positions, fatalities and a note on the significance of the battle. This story is told by a Spitfire pilot, the RAF takes on the mighty Luftwaffe, and through a stunning combination of heroism and the technical superiority of the Spitfire, Hitler suffers the first defeat in what became kown as the Battle of Britain.

Book 3

Behind Enemy Lines

by J. Eldridge

Published 5 August 1999
The 3rd title in the WARPATH series is the story of John Smith, Chindit Commando. The Japanese army seem invincible in the jungles of SE Asia. Orde Wingate believes otherwise and sends a small force of highly trained commandos deep behind enemy lines. Historically accurate, this 1st person narrative for boys is based on real life events.

Book 7

Night Bomber

by J. Eldridge

Published 25 May 2000