Corin's Quest

by Donna Vann

Published 20 September 2003

This exciting adventure story keeps you gripped right to the end with adventure throughout.

From the book:
"At first, I kept the secret to myself. I hid the bundle in the kitchen under the straw where I always slept. In my heart raged a fierce battle. Oddly enough, now that I had even more reason to leave home to find out who I really was, it seemed so wrong."

Corin is determined to find out evil Hamo's dark secret. Aware that his life could be in danger he has to be very careful. As he starts his quest, he discovers a mystery that affects his own past and will change his life forever.

King Arthur's Ransom

by Donna Vann

Published 20 September 2003

King Uther is dying. The Council of Elders must decide who will rule Caerleon. Why do they not see? - it must be Arthur!

The nation of Caerleon is in the midst of a power vacuum. Vibiana knows who should be King... but there are others who are out to snatch power for themselves. Arthur, Cai, Vibiana and young Bem all have their part to play. Whoever finds the missing Torc is the rightful ruler. Will Arthur find the Torc and claim his rightful place as King and ruler or will the evil Morcanta's schemes succeed?

Donna Vann's emphasis on historical accuracy is exemplary. There is no myth or fairy tale in her work. Historical artefacts and research add another dimension to the book.