The Good News Must Go Out

by Rebecca Davis

Published 20 January 2011

From one old woman’s prayer a young girl was brought to faith, a missionary was sent to Africa and then a church was born from among the people of Central Africa. Missionaries from the West came with the message of Jesus Christ – but it was the men and women saved from cannibalism, the young boys who herded goats and who carted water who really brought the Good News even farther to more and more villages and homesteads in Africa … and the Good News must go out.
For more background information, as well as links for magazine articles, blogs, photos, and videos, see the Educator Resources Page at Rebecca Davis’s website.  

Witness Men

by Rebecca Davis

Published 20 September 2014

In 1938, in the remote highlands of a mountainous island, explorers discovered thousands upon thousands of tribal people. Missionaries began to come, to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Little did they know that many of the people of the tribes were waiting . . . waiting . . . for someone to come and help them out of the darkness of their old way of life. Witness Men consists of true missionary stories that took place throughout the highlands of Papua, Indonesia, from 1955 to 2010, when one of the tribes received their first New Testaments.

Lights in a Dark Place

by Rebecca Davis

Published 20 September 2014

Colombia has been known as a land of violence – Colombian people have reacted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by cursing the messengers, beating them, kidnapping them, killing them and burning down their houses. But from those burnings have shot out sparks and flames and laser beams of light, as the Gospel has continued to shine forth in the midst of darkness. God has delivered people from burning houses. God has healed the ones who cursed. God has even rescued kidnappers. Read fourteen true stories of the Light of the World shining in the land of Colombia, South America.

With Two Hands

by Rebecca Davis

Published 20 March 2010

Why would a crippled old man wait by the side of the road every day for twenty years? Why would a slave and a witch doctor walk for three days to find a man called Jesus? Why would a lame man purposely walk to a tribe where he knew he could be killed? Sixteen captivating episodes from one Christian mission in Ethiopia show the power of God in the midst of darkness.

Return of the White Book

by Rebecca Davis

Published 20 January 2014

The hill tribes of Southeast Asia told legends that one day the White Book that their ancestors had lost would be brought back to them. When the Karen tribe saw the Bible in 1813 through the mission of Adoniram Judson, they recognised the White Book of their stories. This is the amazing true story of how the faith spread through the land of Myanmar, formerly Burma.

Living Water in the Desert

by Rebecca Davis

Published 20 September 2015

More Muslims in Iran have come to faith in Christ in the last thirty years than in the thirteen hundred years that Islam has been in the country. In a land that is notorious for persecution,through the lives of missionaries and Iranian believers God’s word is being spread far and wide. Seventeen chapters tell true stories of the Living Water of Jesus Christ pouring out for thirsty people to drink in the country of Iran.