Would you like to be assigned a special mission?
Are you bold enough to be one of God's agents?
Do you dream of having extraordinary exploits?

In The God Files (the Bible) there are many reports of amazing agents who undertook special missions for their boss (God). These agents were just ordinary people who became inspiring and exciting role models for you and me, people like:

  • Agent Deborah – a remarkable lady who was one of the judges of Israel and helped to win a significant battle.
  • Agent Moses – as a baby, he nearly died but was rescued by a princess. He later freed his people from slavery in Egypt.
  • Agent Hannah – a woman who was desperately sad at not having children. But God heard her prayers and answered them.
  • Agent Samuel – as a boy, he heard God speak to him. As a man, he anointed two kings.
  • Agent Philip – a follower of Jesus who took routine tasks and supernatural travel missions in his stride.
  • So get reading these agent reports in this special dossier and find out how you too could become an amazing agent of God!

    Do you have a favourite secret agent character?
    Would you be prepared to do something courageous for God?
    Are you up for tackling an outstanding operation?

    There are many exciting stories in the Bible of men and women who agreed to do outstanding missions for their boss (God). Perhaps you too will be inspired to follow the example of amazing biblical agents, such as:

  • Agent John the Baptist - a man whose mission was to prepare people for the arrival and teaching of his cousin, Jesus.
  • Agents Puah and Shiphrah - two ladies who, by tactfully avoiding to follow Pharaoh's orders, saved the lives of many babies.
  • Agent David - a young shepherd boy who fearlessly killed a giant, and later became the king of Israel.
  • Agent Mary - a close friend of Jesus who loved to listen to Him speak.
  • Agent Elijah - a man who bravely told the rulers of Israel what God thought about them and their actions.
  • So enjoy reading these fascinating agent reports, and maybe you will be inspired to become an amazing agent of God too!

    Do you dream of being a special agent?

    Could you undertake a megatastic mission?

    Would you like to make a big difference for God?

    The Bible is full of amazing agents (ordinary people!) who courageously accepted missions for their boss (God). Read about some of these inspiring and exciting role models, such as:

  • Agent Joseph - a young lad who had a tough start in life, but went on to save his nation from starvation
  • Agent Esther - an orphan who became a queen and saved her fellow refugees from disaster
  • Agent Peter - a young man who acted first and thought second, but God used him to heal people
  • Agent Mary - a teenage girl who bravely agreed to become the mother of Jesus
  • So get stuck into The God Files, and find out how you could become an amazing agent of God too!

    Who are these amazing agents of God?

    Would you like to be given an awesome assignment?

    Could you do something extraordinary for God?

    The Bible is full of amazing agents (ordinary people!) who courageously accepted missions for their boss (God). Read about some of these inspiring and exciting role models, such as:

  • Agent Abram - a man who didn't think he would have a child, but who became a father to an entire nation!
  • Agent Ruth - a young widow and a foreigner, who became an ancestor of Jesus
  • Agent Daniel - a refugee in a foreign land, who was gifted at interpreting dreams and became an advisor to kings
  • Agent Paul - a former enemy of agents of God, who then turned into one of God's best ever agents!
  • Agent Priscilla - a woman who was forced to leave her home town, but kept on teaching people about Jesus
  • So get stuck into The God Files, and find out how you could become an amazing agent of God too!