The four Furniture Decorating books are based on the author's highly successful Painting & Decorating Furniture that has sold over 40,000 copies worldwide. Booklist magazine called it "quite probably the best general introduction on furniture decoration that exists." With these four books as guides, anyone can decorate furniture like a professional. This volume explores the availability of versatile new embellishment and decoration products which take the art of furniture beyond its construction, giving your pieces personality and even humour with textural and ornamental treatments. - Texture - Stucco effects - Decorative mouldings - Caulking - Artist's gel - - Products and applications clearly explained - Paint - Textural effects - - Dragging - Smooshing - Sponging - Marble and granite effects - Metallics - - Leafing and patina - Ornament and mosaic - Silverware, beads & buttons - - Rustic look - Leaves & vines - Copper cut-outs - Mosaic tabletops -

The four Furniture Decorating books are based on the author's highly successful Painting & Decorating Furniture that has sold over 40,000 copies worldwide. Booklist magazine called it "quite probably the best general introduction on furniture decoration that exists." With these four books as guides, anyone can decorate furniture like a professional. This volume teaches time-tested block printing techniques and inspires with new and original treatments, whether you are a novice or a professional. - Stencilling - Stencil patterns - Cutting stencils - New techniques - Freeform - - Reverse-stencilling - Using metallic leaf - Transfers for intricate images - - Paint treatments - Sponging, smooshing and other textures - Crackle - - Metallics and patinas - Paint & craft supplies - Block printing - Paints & glazes - - Rustic prints - Borders & vines - Printing on stained wood/printed backgrounds -

The four Furniture Decorating books are based on the author's highly successful Painting & Decorating Furniture that has sold over 40,000 copies worldwide. Booklist magazine called it "quite probably the best general introduction on furniture decoration that exists." With these four books as guides, anyone can decorate furniture like a professional. This volume introduces the colour, texture and pattern that paint, paper and fabric bring to a room and will inspire you to incorporate these elements into your furniture: - Decoupage materials, applications and coatings - Posters for dramatic flair - - Dried leaves for a natural look - Creative ideas for paper, pictures & stamps - - Combining paint with decoupage and fabrics - Creating textured backgrounds - - Staining - Freehand painting - Paint & craft supplies & their properties - - Using fabric for decoupage treatments - Fully cladding furniture in fabric - - Adhesives and protective coatings - Repairing chair seats & cushions -

The four Furniture Decorating books are based on the author's highly successful Painting & Decorating Furniture that has sold over 40,000 copies worldwide. Booklist magazine called it "quite probably the best general introduction on furniture decoration that exists." With these four books as guides, anyone can decorate furniture like a professional. This volume presents old furniture painted in the rustic genre: English country pieces, well-worn patinas, and folk-style paint jobs that convey a sense of history and put people at their ease: - Antique treatments - Ageing by simple burnishing - Crackle for paint & varnish - - Strip paint Antiquing - Sepia-stucco ageing technique - Country treatment - - Freehand folk painting - English country designs - Stencilling a Victorian floral - - Decorating with vines & leaves - How to paint backgrounds - Sponging - - Basic block print - Freehand embellishment - Staining - Paint & craft supplies -