Life with Lucas - Book 2

by Jeff Lucas

Published 28 February 2009
This second inspiring and insightful one-year life-application book features another selection of Jeff Lucas' challenging and at times humorous daily notes compiled from Lucas on Life Every Day.

Independence Days? - In a world where people live independently of God, we will learn from the lives of four Bible characters how to walk with God daily.

Friendly Fire - Conflict - it happens. Learn to navigate through tense times with faith, hope and humility and therefore how to make church more what it should be.

Rediscovering Jesus - Through Mark's Gospel we will take a long look at Jesus - the most compelling Person there's ever been, who invites us to get in step with Him.

Singing in the Rain - Learn how to approach life's most testing times by looking at Jesus' approach to the most difficult week of His life, as recorded by the Gospel writer Mark.

Elijah - Prophet at a Loss - The God who sustained Elijah - through his mountain-top experiences and his ravines of fear and depression - is the God we serve.

Seven - Those Deadly Sins - Sin can mar lives and wreck our world - we will do some healthy heart-searching as we look to the One who can pick us up when we fall.

Life With Lucas - Book 3

by Jeff Lucas

Published 3 January 2011
This one-year biblical life application book features a selection of Jeff Lucas' challenging, and at times humorous, daily notes compiled from Lucas on Life Every Day.

Jailhouse Rock - See how God is our immovable foundation.

Peter - How to fail successfully - Look at snapshots of Peter's life and words.

Proverbs - wise words for a wild world - Ancient wisdom that is bang up-to date will help equip us.

Joseph - daydream believer - Watch God redeem one particularly messy story by His grace.

Close Encounters - Look afresh at the wonderful Jesus through unplanned moments.

He Never Said ... - take a closer look at some sayings that sound sensible but often aren't.

Life with Lucas - Book 1

by Jeff Lucas

Published 15 June 2007
This one-year biblical life application book features a selection of Jeff Lucas's challenging, and at times humorous, daily notes compiled from Lucas on Life Every Day.

Friends Rediscovered - Looking at the friendships of the apostle Paul, we discover how we relate well to others and to God.

Stop Looking for the Will of God - God wants us to stop trying to find out what He wants us to do and to start seeking Him instead.

Faith on the Far Side - As Daniel discovered when thrust into an alien world, faith is possible. Let's follow his example - by walking with God every day.

The Church - a Blushing Bride - Who is the Church for and why is it so important? Find out what matters to Jesus.

Unsung Heroes Change the World - Ordinary people who knew an extraordinary God; the same God who wants us to call on Him today.