50 Barmiest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 12 October 2012
A prophet who became a bear's lunch, a king with a whopping 1,000 wives to keep happy, a bunch of rebels who were zapped by fire from heaven ... plenty of totally pretty barmy things happened in Bible times! In this book you'll find fifty of the barmiest!

Although the Bible is full of really exciting stuff, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start. That's why Andy Robb has done the hard work for you, selecting and retelling in his own zany style some of the best-known bits. Among the collection you'll find the stories of how the universe got kicked off, the adventures of the Israelites through the wilderness, what the good and bad kings of Israel got up to and God's mission accomplished, sending Jesus to earth. Each story has a cliffhanger ending - and a Bible passage to look up to find out what happened next. All this plus some whacky, colourful cartoons - what more could you want?

Ready to be bamboozled? Jump in!

50 Craziest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 13 November 2008
Dry bones coming back to life, angels rescuing prisoners, water turning to wine, brides being swapped on the wedding day, talking donkeys ... how many more crazy things happened in the Bible?! Here you'll find fifty that top the crazy chart!

The Bible's not an easy book to understand if you don't know where to start. That's why Andy Robb has picked out some of the most exciting and well-known stories for you and retold them in his own wacky way - which certainly won't leave you bored!

Inside you'll find the stories of Jonah and the big fish, Elijah and the prophets of Baal, Balaam and the donkey, the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus' resurrection and the beggar at the Beautiful Gate. Andy leaves each story on a cliffhanger - and you get to look up one or two Bible verses to find out the ending ... There are also some zany cartoons which really bring the stories to life!

Ready to start? Go on - it can't get any crazier than this!

50 Jammiest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 12 October 2012
A lad who ended up attending his own funeral, a guy who lived to be an eye-boggling 930 years old, a duo of jail-breakers who got away with it ... plenty of really jammy things happened to people in Bible times! In this book you'll find fifty of the jammiest!

Although the Bible is full of really exciting stuff, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start. That's why Andy Robb has done the hard work for you, selecting and retelling in his own zany style some of the best-known bits. Among the collection you'll find the stories of how Jesus healed a man blind from birth, how He irked the religious leaders with what He said and did, how His followers set up the very first churches -- and how you and me can fit into the ongoing story of God’s family today as well. With a cliffhanger ending to each story and a short Bible passage to look up (so you can find out what happened next) you won't be bored! All this plus some whacky, colourful cartoons!

Ready to be amazed? Get reading!

50 Weirdest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 13 November 2008
Floating hands writing on walls, a voice coming from a fire-resistant bush, people being brought back to life ... loads of really weird things happened in Bible times! In this book you'll find fifty of the weirdest!

Although the bible is full of really exciting stuff, it can sometimes be difficult to know how to start reading it. Andy Robb has done some of the hard work for you by selecting and retelling in a 'zappy style' (his words!) some of the best-known parts. Among the collection are the stories of the crossing of the Red Sea, Jesus healing the paralysed man, manna in the desert, the dreams of Joseph and Peter walking on water. Each story has a cliffhanger ending - and one or two Bible verses to look up to find out what happened next. And with colourful cartoons to boot, you really won't get bored!

What are you waiting for? Dive in!

50 Goriest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 12 August 2009
A sword plunged to the hilt into a super-fat king's blubber, a bloke getting killed by lightning, cold-blooded murder, tons of people drowning, scary skin diseases, famines, earthquakes ... loads of gross and gory things happened in Bible times! In this book you'll find fifty of the goriest!

Among this collection are the stories of Cain and Abel, Abraham and Isaac, Moses and his rebellious relations, David and Goliath and Judas Iscariot. Each story has a cliffhanger ending - and a short Bible passage to look up to you can find out what happened next.

All this plus some thoroughly gruesome cartoons - what more could you want?

Ready to be GROSSED OUT? Jump in!

50 Wildest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 12 August 2009
A slippery serpent suggesting sin, a bunch of builders babbled away, a pair of past-it parents produced a baby, angels ate with a guy called Abe, bad boys become bear bait - and lots of other wild things happened in the Bible. Andy Robb retells and illustrates fifty Bible stories in a fun and exciting way.

Among this colourful collection are the stories of Ruth and Boaz, Samson killing a lion with his bare hands, the Queen of Sheba’s visit to Solomon, Jesus’ temptation by Satan and Paul's angelic visit onboard a ship.

With a cliff-hanger ending to each story and a Bible reference for finding out what happened next, this is a great introduction to the wildest stories of the Bible and to the God who works even the wild things into His plans and purposes.

And with its zany, colourful cartoons, you will not be bored!

Ready for a wild time? Tuck in!

50 Zappiest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 15 May 2017
Bonkers dreams, people speaking in languages they don't understand, pillars of fire and cloud leading people on an epic journey, human sat-navs, a bouncing baby, and a whole lot of 'Fruit of the Spirit' (whatever that means!) - the Bible is full of amazing stories about the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes when we talk about God as three in one - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - it can be a bit mind-bobbling. Who is the Holy Spirit, after all? As we'll discover, He gets up to come incredible stuff throughout the Bible, and also in and through us today!

With a cliff-hanger ending to each story and a Bible hint for finding out what happened next, jump into 50 of the zappiest stories in the Bible in an unforgettable way.

Ready to zap your way through the Bible? Come on in!

50 Christmasiest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 22 August 2015
Mince pies, snow, Christmas presents and carol singing... surely these don't feature in the Bible? Well, believe it or not, they do have biblical beginnings! From myth busting to uncovering the meanings behind Christmas traditions, join a huge host of kings, busy angels and expectant mothers and learn about the One who's at the heart of Christmas - and the Bible - Jesus!

Explore Bible stories in an unforgettable way, and spark up an enthusiasm to get to know God's Word more and more. Using colourful cartoons and his distinctive style of storytelling, Andy Robb brings fifty Christmassy Bible stories to life. He ends each story with a cliffhanger, a question and the Bible verses you need to look up to discover the endings for yourself!

So what are you waiting for? Open it up!

50 Juiciest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 12 October 2013
Crop-destroying locusts, body-covering boils, countries doing the splits, ventriloquists, disappearing people, shipwrecks, wonder wives, scheming fathers, feuding families and a Tip Top Tent – lots of unusual things happened in Bible times!
Writer and illustrator Andy Robb chooses fifty Bible stories to retell in his own zany style. Learn what happened when Adam and Eve took just a teensy nibble of forbidden fruit. Discover why Jacob had to do a runner, only to become the victim of Laban’s dastardly deeds. Find out why God lived in a tent, search some Bible’s Got Talent stories before exploring a Tough Time Talk that Jesus gave to His listeners.
At the end of each story, you are left with a cliff-hanger, a question and the verses that you need to find in your Bible to figure out what happened next.

50 Wackiest Bible Stories

by Andy Robb

Published 12 October 2013
A nine-foot giant, a dazzling dancer, big fish travel, getting a drink out of a rock, the right and wrong ways to carry a box the size of a coffee table, what we can learn from ants, why it might be better to live on your roof than inside your house – these are just a few of the stories that you can enjoy between the covers of this very wacky book.

Learn about odd ways of travelling and odd ways of doing things. Discover what Jesus said about pearls and pigs, wolves pretending to be sheep and how to be a shining light. Get the heads up on some scaredy-cat spies and find out about a host of unusual dynamic double acts.

Using colourful cartoons and his own fun style of storytelling, Andy Robb brings fifty more Bible stories to life. In every one, he leaves you with a cliff hanger and a question – but don’t worry, he tells you where to look in your Bible to find out how the stories end!

So what are you waiting for? Get reading!