
by Claire Musters

Published 12 November 2015
These helpful guides in the Cover to Cover series are ideal for group and individual study. Experience the reality of Bible events like never before and live through the inspiring lives of key characters in Scripture. Learn how to apply God's Word to your life as you explore seven compelling sessions and gain a new depth in your Bible knowledge.

Learn from David's mistakes and triumphs

David was a man after God's own heart, yet he didn't always follow the right path in life. More than once he had to live with the consequences of his choices. David can even be seen as a forerunner of Christ, but just like us he fell so short of perfection. Through it all, God remained faithful to him, even in times when David was unfaithful to God. David's life can teach us so much about facing up to our giants, good leadership and good followership.

These seven sessions establish:

  • That God didn't leave David even when he got things wrong. He won't leave us either.
  • How important true friendship is in God's plan for our lives
  • The best ways to respond to those who oppose us
  • How, though forgiven, we must learn to live well with the consequences of our actions.
  • Icebreakers, Bible readings, eye openers, discussion starters, personal application make this a rich resource for group or individual study.


    by Claire Musters

    Published 18 April 2018
    These helpful guides in the Cover to Cover series are ideal for group and individual study. Experience the reality of Bible events like never before and live through the inspiring lives of key characters in Scripture. Learn how to apply God's Word to your life as you explore seven compelling sessions and gain a new depth in your Bible knowledge.

    Explore the meaning behind the dramatic imagery of Ezekiel's messages and hear what God is saying to His people.

    Ezekiel was a prophet in a time of exile, and his prophecies often used apocalyptic language, dramatic visuals and symbolism. But despite the recurring warnings, Ezekiel's message was ultimately one of hope, deliverance and blessing for those God calls His own. Time and again, God's heart is to bring His people back to Himself.

    These seven insightful sessions help us to consider:

  • God is holy and righteous, and as the judge of all things, He deserves our respect
  • Ezekiel's messages of judgment, hope and deliverance speak to all humanity throughout history
  • God's always keeps His promises, and His desire to restore us to Him remains the same today
  • Icebreakers, Bible readings, eye openers, discussion starters, personal application make this a rich resource for group or individual study.


    by Claire Musters

    Published 6 April 2020
    Throughout seven weeks, follow the journey of the Israelites as they leave the bondage of slavery in Egypt behind, and head towards the freedom God has promised them.

    Discover how this incredible deliverance plan, executed thousands of years ago, foreshadowed God's rescue mission for the whole of the human race, and His epic story of salvation.

    1, 2 & 3 John

    by Claire Musters

    Published 13 November 2017
    These helpful guides in the Cover to Cover series are ideal for group and individual study. Experience the reality of Bible events like never before and live through the inspiring lives of key characters in Scripture. Learn how to apply God's Word to your life as you explore seven compelling sessions and gain a new depth in your Bible knowledge.

    An exploration of what it means to live in the light of our salvation

    John was the disciple that 'Jesus loved', and as such, we wan privileged to have walked and talked with Him. In these three letters, John encourages his readers with the invitation to a similar dynamic relationship with Jesus. This guide explores John's illuminating use of contrasts - such as light and darkness, God and Satan, love and hate - as well as his warning about false teaching. His words are just as important for us today.

    These seven insightful sessions help us to consider: How our identity as children of God can anchor us in times of trouble

  • That Jesus is our hope and we can see things through God's eternal perspective
  • How we can be alert to false teaching and know biblical truth.
  • Icebreakers, Bible readings, eye openers, discussion starters, personal application make this a rich resource for group or individual study.