Over Our Way

by Jean D'Costa and Dr Velma Pollard

Published 7 February 1994

There have been many great and enduring works of literature by Caribbean authors over the last century. The Caribbean Contemporary Classics collection celebrates these deep and vibrant stories, overflowing with life and acute observations about society.

Over our way lies a world of flame trees and hot beaches rimmed with hills, of raucous laughter in the market and shouts in the street, of bare feet running down dusty lanes and across burnt savannahs, splashing beside the boats of fishermen or inching up the ringed bark of coconut trees. A long way, full of laughing, weeping, blessing, cursing, explaining, quarrelling, accusing and lamenting.
We cannot see the beginnings or ends of our way, but we can tell some of the stories of what happens over our way: stories which we alone can tell, stories about our friendships, our lonelinesses, our games, our crimes, our sorrows and joys, our triumphs and dreams.

Suitable for readers aged 11 and above.

Escape to Last Man Peak

by Jean D'Costa

Published 8 September 1980

There have been many great and enduring works of literature by Caribbean authors over the last century. The Caribbean Contemporary Classics collection celebrates these deep and vibrant stories, overflowing with life and acute observations about society.

Sunrise Orphanage is a happy place until the great sickness comes to the country, when the ten orphan children are left to fend for themselves. Normal life breaks down, and people do what they can to survive. Threatened with being taken to a labour camp, the children's only alternative is a perilous journey across the island. Sanctuary awaits them at Last Man Peak, but will they be able to reach it? Unforeseen danger waits at every turn. No one can be trusted. The arduous trek would be challenging enough even without the need to avoid capture - capture which would mean the labour camp, or possibly something much worse. The journey, with only their wits and courage to help them, will change their lives for ever.

Suitable for readers aged 11 and above.