Book 3

Lafier and Jint have now proven themselves in the most unthinkable of situations, earning honor and recognition that will serve them well—and perhaps even haunt them. Lafier takes command of a state-of-the-art raid ship as her little brother Duhier, who idolizes her, officially enlists with the Star Forces. But more than personal conflicts are brewing under the surface…

The galactic war takes a strange turn when the thus-far neutral Hania Federation reaches out to the Abh with an unexpected offer of support. Not everything is as it seems, however. Lafier and Jint return to the imperial capital to find it under attack by the Three Nations Alliance, forcing the intrepid duo and all of the Abh to sacrifice everything and abandon Lahkfacar. The Empress herself tries to buy them time to evacuate the most precious artifacts of their civilization as the city falls and the Empire fractures. A long decade later, Lafier—now the Crown Princess and a fleet commander—helms an operation to reunite the shattered state and regain part of what was lost. When all adversity stands in her way, will she be able to go above and beyond to see the mission through?

Volumes 1-3, now in a collectors hardcover edition, and with a brand new translation!
You journeyed with Jint and Lafier through three volumes of interplanetary-scale action and intrigue in CREST OF THE STARS. Through pain and companionship, they forged their way through an impossible ordeal unscathed. But that adventure, though grand, was just the introduction to a larger, decades-spanning chronicle of galactic war.Join our two heroes, now bona fide starpilots appointed to a warship in an Abh Empire fleet, as they participate in their very first official military operation. They are tasked with helping defend a strategically crucial star system from the Three Nations Alliance. Complications arise, however, when they learn that their commanding officer is none other than the sister of the Abh baron they killed three years prior!

Volumes 1-3, now in a collectors hardcover edition, and with a brand new translation!
In the far-distant future, mankind has traversed the stars and settled distant worlds. But no matter how advanced the technology of the future becomes, it seems the spacefaring nations cannot entirely shed their human nature.

Jint Lin finds this out the hard way when, as a child, his home world is conquered by the powerful Abh Empire: the self-proclaimed Kin of the Stars, and rulers of vast swaths of the known universe. As a newly-appointed member of the Abh’s imperial aristocracy, Jint must learn to forge his own destiny in the wider universe while bearing burdens he never asked for, caught between his surface-dweller “Lander” heritage and the byzantine culture of the Abh, of which he is now nominally a member. A chance meeting with the brave-but-lonely Apprentice Starpilot Lafier aboard the Patrol Ship Goslauth will lead them both headfirst down a path of galaxy-spanning intrigue and warfare that will forever change the fate of all of humankind.