Advanced BASIC

by Peter Norton and Steven Holzner

Published 1 April 1991
This book/disk package offers information on BASIC, giving hints on the sorts of techniques required to supercharge applications (using graphics and mouse programming). The disk contains over 100 ready-to-run programs.

C. Programming

by Steven Holzner and Peter Norton

Published 1 May 1991
A book/disk package offering basic information on C programming in such a way as to encourage exploration of the tools for extending C and for using C++. It includes tips on writing efficient, error-free code; over 100 ready-to-run programs; guidance on high-speed graphics; debugging and more.

Quick C for Windows

by Steven Holzner

Published 1 March 1992
This package of a book/computer disk deals with Quick C for programmers who need to write powerful Windows applications. It offers a variety of tips on techniques for bug-free, modular code design. A sample application disk includes a mouse-driven paint program, pop-up notepad and more.

This package consists of a book on how to build application program modules in advanced C language and a computer disk containing examples and practical guidance. Typical programs covered include cat and mouse games, calculators, memory residents (TSR), help programs and paint modules.