Who Goes Here?

by Bob Shaw

Published 29 September 1977

Shot at by aliens, eaten up by monsters, frozen up, burned up and shipped all over the galaxy? war was one game Private Peace didn't want to play. So why had he joined the Space Legion?

Warren Peace had joined the Space Legion to forget - exactly what, he hadn't the faintest idea. But he was sure about one thing - however horrific the crime he'd once committed, the memory of it could hardly be more unbearable than life in the lunatic Space Legion. Private Peace knew he'd got to get out?

The trouble was, the only way to escape his 30-year contract was to discover exactly why he'd signed it in the first place. And that meant a hair raising journey into his forgotten past to meet the one person Peace definitely didn't want to know - Warren Peace Mark I - in other words, himself!


by Bob Shaw

Published 15 October 2012

Warren Peace joined the Space Legion to forget - and forget what it was he wanted to forget. In his quest to find out who he'd been he got turned into an Oscar by a symbiotic alien parasite.

Oscars are invulnerable superbeings, immune to everything and with no need for air, food or drink, let alone sex and drugs and rock'n'roll. Marooned on an airless planet with a whole bunch of them, Warren is bored witless.

Then a chance encounter with a lump of pryktonite turns him back into a human, and Warren embarks on a new career- as a galactic troubleshooter. His first mission takes him (with a couple of Oscars providing the muscle) to a water-covered planet where a company producing a mind-blowing drug is having trouble with its alien work force. It seems they're smuggling alien porn mags on to the planet, and are too...tired to work. Warren sets out to find the solution...

Warren Peace is the second bizarre episode in the series that began with Who Goes Here? By the acclaimed author of Orbitsville and the Ragged Astronauts trilogy.