Book 1

Phoenix Prime

by Ted White

Published 29 September 2011

The dream of being a superman came true for Max Quest - and immediately turned into a nightmare.

He was not alone. There were Others with extraordinary powers, and the last thing they wanted was another superman on Earth - especially one working for good instead of evil.

They couldn't kill him. But they could send him . . . elsewhere.

Elsewhere was the viciously hostile world of Qanar, where Max's powers didn't work and sorcery was a more potent weapon than science, where shadows were as menacing as steel. Max Quest still had to save Earth from the corrupt threat of the Others - but he found his destiny intricately linked with that of Qanar as well. And somewhere in space-time was his lost love . . .

Book 2

The Sorceress of Qar

by Ted White

Published 21 December 2012

Two valiant humans: swashbuckling Elron and the Sorceress Shannara...two implacably evil "Others"...two kinds of weapons with which to fight...and many kinds of doom awaiting an entire world if the battle is lost!
Again Ted White takes us to the strange, paradoxical world of Qanar, where a weird age-old magic exists as everyday reality, side by side with the remnants of an equally ancient but less understood science. The alien "Others" are making a new bid to take over the planet...and only the noble Elron stands against them. But not entirely alone after he meets the beautiful Shannara, and she adds her limited psionic powers to his great strength to vanquish the enemy. Together they share an outstanding Odyssey - through unpredictable matter transmitters and over treacherous terrain - to reach a hair-raising climax...IN THIS GREAT SEQUEL TO PHOENIX PRIME!

Book 3

Star Wolf!

by Ted White

Published 31 May 2013

Makstarn was ugly, an outcast in the midst of the beautiful people of his tribe. Where they were tall and slender, he was short and squat. Where they were golden, touched with the beauty of the dawn, he was black and hairy . . . and hated by those of his own generation. It little mattered that the Elders respected him for what he was . . . and for what his father, Max Quest, had been; the young were all that mattered.

And their hatred drove him at last from the tribe, and on an impossible journey in search of the memory of his father . . . and in search of his own manhood.