Entered by a thousand unsuspected gateways - built by a race lost in the clouds of time - Well World transforms creatures of any sort into different forms.

So, spacefarer Nathan Brazil is not surprised to find himself accompanied by a batman, an amorous female centaur and a mermaid as he sets out on his strange mission.

Yet Nathan Brazil's own metamorphosis is more terrifying than any of the others - and with the gradual return of his memory comes the secret of the Well World.

River of Dancing Gods

by Jack L. Chalker

Published 12 January 1984


Life had not been kind to Joe and Marge. Now, according to the strangers who met them on a road that wasn't there, they were due to die in nineteen minutes, eighteen seconds. But the ferryboat that waited to take them across the Sea of Dreams could bring them to a new and perhaps better life.

There lay a world where fairies still danced by moonlight and sorcery became real. Joe could become a mighty-thewed barbarian warrior. Marge could be beautiful and find her magical self.

But there was much more than they realised to this strange land.

This was a world where Hell still strove to win its ancient war and demon princes sent men into battles of dark magic. It was a world where Joe and Marge must somehow prevent the coming of Armageddon.

Across the galaxy and beyond, he Master System ruled. Once the product of human intelligence, it now far surpassed its creators. All understanding of it was lost and any attempt at rediscovery ruthlessly suppressed. The rule of the Master System was unchallenged.

Yet there was a key, long forgotten, that would break that control and it happened by chance that two people, an American and a Chinese woman, stumbled across the secret of the five golden rings that were the key.

Now their only hope lay in finding the rings themselves for the Master System was at their backs, hunting them down...

When the Changewinds Blow

by Jack L. Chalker

Published 3 January 1991

She was haunted by Thunder and Plagued by Dreams... strange, dark dreams of a world beyond time and space, a land of magic and mystery. But Charley know it was more than a dream - for her friend Sam shared her visions.
Suddenly, the dreams become a reality...as a raging storm sweeps Charley and Sam to the fantastic land of Akahlar, where unicorns and griffins run free, an enchantress commands a den of unearthly pleasures, and a wizard warns of a terrifying, inescapable event:
The changewinds are coming...savage, purple - tinged storms that alter the shapes of man and beast alike. Soon, all creatures must look to the skies - and beware...

Cassie did not feel the Soul Rider enter her body...

...but suddenly she knew that Anchor was corrupt. Knew that the Flux beyond Anchor was no formless void, from which could issue only mutant changelings and evil wizards...

...Flux was the source of Anchor's existence!

The price of her knowledge is exile - the first confrontation with the Seven Who Wait for the redemption of World...

This is book one in the Soul Rider series.