Book 2

The Heart of Fire

by Michael J. Ward

Published 15 November 2012

Return to the world of Valeron in another astounding adventure. Deeper and more complex than THE LEGION OF SHADOW, the options available to your hero are exciting, carefully planned and beautifully written. The Heart of Fire is awakening, and only you can save the world ...

You are a prophet, both gifted and cursed by your strange powers. Imprisoned in the infamous dungeon of the inquisition, you are tormented by visions of a nightmarish future. No-one has ever escaped. Doomed to live out your days in chains and darkness, a twist of fate provides you with a chance for freedom - to take on a new identity and start a new life. But no matter where you go, where you hide, you can never escape the haunting images of your own prophecy ...

Is it possible to outwit destiny and change the future? You decide in this epic fantasy adventure - the highly-anticipated follow-up to the bestselling gamebook The Legion of Shadow. Every decision you make will have an impact on the story - and, ultimately, your fate.

Book 3

The Eye of Winter's Fury

by Michael J. Ward

Published 17 April 2014

The cold north awaits you ...

War is coming to Valeron. From the west, the blood-thirsty Wiccans burn and pillage their way towards the capital - where an ill and ineffectual king is beset on all sides by the scheming of ambitious men. His youngest son, Prince Arran, untested in combat and naïve to ways of the world, is sent on a fool's errand - to convince a cowardly lord to honour his oath and defend the realm from its enemies. But the real threat is yet to be revealed ...

You are Prince Arran, son of Leonidas and second heir to the throne of Valeron. They call you the ghost prince - the sickly boy who haunts the palace library, filling your head with dreams of high adventure. Now, as the shadows lengthen and danger threatens your beleaguered kingdom, you must finally prove yourself. It is time to take up your hallowed sword, Duran's Heart, and forge your own destiny in a cruel and savage world - one that has no mercy for weakling princes. No happy endings.

Will you defy fate and become a great hero of legend? You decide in this epic fantasy adventure - one where you make the decisions. The cold north awaits you ... are you ready for the challenge?

The Legion of Shadow

by Michael J. Ward

Published 17 May 2012

You have no memory of your past.

With only a sword and a backpack to your name, you must discover your destiny in an unfamiliar world full of monsters and magic.

As you guide your hero through this epic adventure, you will be choosing the danger that they face, the monsters that they fight and the treasures that they find. Every decision that you make will have an impact on the story - and, ultimately, the fate of your hero.

With hundreds of special items to discover in each book, you can completely customise your hero. You can choose their weapons, their armour, their special abilities - even the boots on their feet and the cloak on their back! No two heroes will ever be alike, which means your hero will always be unique to you.

Welcome to a new world. Welcome to Valeron. Welcome to DestinyQuest.


The Wrath of Ragnarok

by Michael J. Ward

Published 28 July 2023

Dark fury will rain down from the heavens…

A lost race returns from the shrouds of time, armed with the powerful magics of Ragnarok, to unleash their bitter vengeance on an unsuspecting world. The shifting sands of the Broken Coast will run red with blood as the raiders and pirate captains of the Dune Sea are dragged into a deadly war – one which could change the destiny of all.

Do you have what it takes to defend a shattered land from invading forces?

You decide in this epic fantasy adventure – one where you make the decisions!