Book 1

The Burrowers Beneath

by Brian Lumley

Published 1 January 1988
THE EARTH'S REAL LANDLORDS ARE SURFACING. HERE. NOW...From the darkly fantastic worlds of H P Lovecraft's world-famous Cthulhu Mythos comes a grimly compelling novel of the Ultimate War, between men - and monsters spawned in Hell!For millennia, men have strutted in puny pride over the fragile surface of the Earth, arrogantly proclaiming themselves masters of creation. But now their feeble investigations have disturbed the planet's original rulers far beneath the globe's crust. And mankind's placid dreams are about to be wrenched into shattering nightmare.'They were here before man evolved. They are older than our oldest legends, predating the very dinosaurs. They call to use in our dreams and make us... do things!'They are THE BURROWERS BENEATH. And they're surfacing right now. Right here...

Book 2

With the most powerful, and most evil, of the elder Gods, Cthulhu, roused from slumber and preparing to destroy all of mankind with a single blow, Titus Crow and Henri-Laurent De Marigny are hopelessly outmatched. But they are not hopeless- They have been joined by heroes from other times, other worlds, other planes of reality. In a marvellous climax, heroes from other Brian Lumley series gather for the dramatic final battle.

Book 2

The Clock of Dreams

by Brian Lumley

Published 20 August 1992
In the Clock of Dreams, Cthulhu, one of the Elder Gods, sleeps and dreams - dreams so potent, so powerful, that they can warp reality itself. The mysterious Clock that is capable of hurling men through space and time, even into the monster's dreams, is de Marigny's only hope of finding Titus Crow and saving him from a soul destroying fate.

Book 2

Spawn of the Winds

by Brian Lumley

Published 5 November 1992

Stolen from Earth by Ithaqua the Wind-Walker and transported to the alien world of Borea, a team of ERP-talented earthmen are faced with a terrible choice: join with the Thing That Walks on the Wind in his eternal war with Armandra and the People of the Plateau, and become his mindless slaces or side with Armandra and risk the perils of the Plateau - especially its Cavern of Madness!

Such a choice might seem easy, for at least the People of the Plateau are human...but is Armandra herself human As Ithaqua's daughter, who can say which way her loyalties will turn when the chips are down and Ithaqua walks on the wind?

Book 3

Titus Crow, Volume 3

by Brian Lumley

Published 20 October 2000

Book 3

Titus Crow

by Brian Lumley

Published 1 January 1997

The Titus Crow novels are adventure horror, full of acts of nobility and heroism, featuring travel to exotic locations and alternate planes of existence as Titus Crow and his faithful companion and record-keeper fight the gathering forces of darkness wherever they arise. The menaces are the infamous and deadly Elder Gods of the work of H.P. Lovecraft. Chthulu and his dark minions are bent on ruling the earth--or destroying it. A few puny humans cannot possibly stand against these otherworldly evil gods, yet time after time, Titus Crow defeats the monsters and drives them back into the dark from whence they came. Volume One contains two full novels, The Burrowers Beneath and The Transition of Titus Crow.

Book 5

In the Moons of Borea

by Brian Lumley

Published 1 February 1979
Following the Timelock, the Quester, de Maringy, finds himself on the parallel universe of Borea. Borea - ice-planet - is a ravaged arena of psychic combat between the Warlord of the Plateau, Armandra and the Wind-Walker. This is the sequel to "The Clock of Dreams" and "Spawn of the Winds".

Book 6


by Brian Lumley

Published 1 January 1989

The Titus Crow novels are full of acts of nobility and heroism. Titus Crow and his faithful companion fight the forces of darkness - the infamous and deadly Elder Gods of H.P. Lovecraft - wherever they arise. The powerful Cthulhu and his dark minions are bent on ruling the earth - or destroying it, yet time after time, Titus Crow drives the monsters back into the dark from whence they came.
Elysia is the sixth book in the Titus Crow series.