A current, behind-the-scenes introduction to the rapidly evolving phenomenon of domestic and international cybercrime, including new coverage of cyberterrorism, cyberwarfare, and emerging cyberthreats.

Imagine a near-perfect international crime opportunity, one that happens daily, in which perpetrators in Russia and a number of Eastern European companies could easily steal intellectual property, monetary funds, and any other digital items of value from American citizens-both individuals and corporate entities-without the perpetrators ever stepping foot in the United States. The perpetrators know they cannot be arrested because they are in countries that do not extradite their citizens for prosecution in the United States. Welcome to the real-life, modern-day world of international cybercrime.

This second edition of Cybercrime: Criminal Threats from Cyberspace continues to investigate the growing problem of cybercrime-the phenomenon of individuals in the United States and internationally who use cyberspace to engage in criminal and antisocial conduct. This book covers the latest developments in cybercrime, documenting how new threat actors are constantly emerging to take advantage of financial and other opportunities cyberspace provides. The book also analyzes the extent to which law enforcement personnel are able to combat the threat of anonymous online perpetrators attacking from foreign countries with essential impunity, the global threat represented by the emergence and expansion of cyberterrorism, the potential for cyber war, and what this highly vulnerable landscape might mean for the United States.

* Provides an accessible, comprehensive, and interesting overview of cybercrime and what it means for the average citizen

* Explains why domestic law enforcement (state and federal) is essentially ineffective against the cybercrime that primarily comes from abroad

* Underscores the serious threat and risk to all U.S. citizens and corporate entities of having their private data, money, and online systems stolen by cybercriminals-thieves that can confidently operate with impunity from being caught or prosecuted

* Provides insights from a highly respected expert author and speaker on the subjects of cybercrime, cyberterrorism, and cyberwarfare