MC Grammar
2 total works
Nursery Rhymes in Rap Book and CD with Download
by Jacob Mitchell (MC Grammar)
Have fun rapping with MC Grammar's Nursery Rhymes in Rap! This tabbed board book and audio CD combines MC Grammar's hip-hop flavour with twenty classic nursery rhymes, including Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty and The Wheels on the Bus. There are also five bonus mash-ups on the CD with...
Read moreHave fun rapping with MC Grammar's Nursery Rhymes in Rap! This tabbed board book and audio CD combines MC Grammar's hip-hop flavour with twenty classic nursery rhymes, including Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty and The Wheels on the Bus. There are also five bonus mash-ups on the CD with the lyrics in the book so you can rap along.
A Teacher of the Year award-winner, MC Grammar wants to get children rapping nursery rhymes as a great way to develop early literacy skills. With bold illustrations from Steph Hinton, MC Grammar's Nursery Rhymes in Rap will get your kids rapping and reading!
Free digital download of the five mash-ups available.
Also available for little rap artists: MC Grammar's Animal Rhymes in Rap, MC Grammar's Classic Tales in Rap and MC Grammar's Fairy Tales in Rap.
Have fun rapping with MC Grammar's Nursery Rhymes! This audio digital download combines MC Grammar's signature hip-hop flavour with classic nursery rhymes, including Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty and The Wheels on the Bus!
A Teacher of the Year award-winner, MC Grammar wants to get children rapping nursery...
Read moreHave fun rapping with MC Grammar's Nursery Rhymes! This audio digital download combines MC Grammar's signature hip-hop flavour with classic nursery rhymes, including Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty and The Wheels on the Bus!
A Teacher of the Year award-winner, MC Grammar wants to get children rapping nursery rhymes as a great way to develop early literacy skills. With bold illustrations from Steph Hinton, MC Grammar's Nursery Rhymes will get your kids rapping and reading!
Also available for little rap-artists: MC Grammar's Animal Rhymes, MC Grammar's Classic Tales and MC Grammar's Fairy Tales.