No group arguably has been the subject of more fictitious imaginings than Jewish people. This book examines historical misconceptions related to Jews, Judaism, and the facts behind the myths.

Jewish people, whether in the Middle East or around the world, have a rich and complex history. They have made numerous contributions to world civilization. At the same time, they have been subject to persecution ranging from name-calling to genocide. Over time, a number of false beliefs have developed and spread about Jews and Judaism. This book examines some of the historical misconceptions related to Jewish people and their faith and sets forth the truths behind the myths.

Included are chapters on particular misconceptions related to Jews and Judaism, such as that Jews in ancient Israel practiced Judaism, Jews are a race, Judaism opposed Christianity, and Judaism thrived under Islam. Each chapter explores how the misconception arose and spread, as well as what we now believe to be the truth and why we believe it. Excerpts from primary source documents provide evidence for the truths behind the myths and help show why people believed in the misconceptions.

  • Chapters discuss particular misconceptions related to Jews and Judaism and how those misconceptions developed and spread.
  • Chapters discuss what we now believe to be the truths behind the myths.
  • Excerpts from primary source documents provide evidence for why people believed in the misconceptions and for what we now consider the historical truths.
  • A bibliography directs readers to additional sources of information.