Book 2

"It's the start of the school year, and nothing feels right to Justin. He didn't get the teacher he wanted, he's not in the same class as his best friend, and his little sister, Elizabeth, is starting kindergarten at his school. Elizabeth doesn't seem nervous at all. Justin is...Read more

Book 2

"Justin is going to start fourth grade-but first, he has to survive the summer. He "gets" to go to camp every day on a bus. He "gets" to experience all sorts of new things: Bugs. Mess hall food. Flip-flops (they hurt the space between his toes and they're hard...Read more

Book 3

Embarking on a new school year filled with friends, tests, and other worries, Justin Case records the tribulations of fourth grade in his diary while struggling to outmaneuver a local bully.

Justin Case made it through third grade and summer camp. Now he's in fourth grade, and there's...Read more