Book 1

Listen Learn Revise. As featured on The Gabby Logan Show (Radio 5 Live) and in the Times Educational (TES). Learn/revise through song and spoken word. A highly effective way to remember all of the key characters and facts. The guide has 21 tracks and is 78 mins long: 1: The Inspector 2: Key Points: The Inspector 3: Mr Birling 4: Key Points: Mr Birling 5: Sheila 6: Key Points: Sheila 7: Gerald 8: Key Points: Gerald 9: Mrs Birling 10: Key Points: Mrs Birling 11: Eric 12: Key Points: Eric 13: Eva and Priestley 14: Key Points: Eva and Priestley 15: The Structure of AIC 16: Key Points: The Structure 17: Language of AIC 18: Key Points: Language 19: Historical Context 20: Key Points: Historical Context 21: Key Vocabulary for AIC.

Listen Learn Revise. As featured on The Gabby Logan Show (Radio 5 Live) and in the Times Educational Supplement (TES). Learn/revise through song and spoken word. A highly effective way to remember all of the key characters and facts. Track listing: Romeo's Song. Key Points: Romeo. Juliet's Song. Key Points: Juliet. Benvolio, Mercutio and Tybalt's Song. Key Points: Benvolio, Mercutio and Tybalt. The Nurse's Song. Key Points: The Nurse. Montague and Capulet Parents' Song. Key Points: Montague and Capulet Parents .The Friar's Song. Key Points: The Friar. The Structure Song. Key Points: The Structure of R&J. The Language of R&J Song. Key points: The Language. The Themes of R&J Song. Key Points: Themes of R&J. The Context of R&J Song. Key Points the Context of R&J. The guide has 20 tracks and is 1 hour 17 minutes long.

Listen Learn Revise. As featured on The Gabby Logan Show (Radio 5 Live) and in the Times Educational Supplement (TES). Learn/revise through song and spoken word. A highly effective way to remember all of the key characters and facts. Track listing: 1: Mr Darcy's Song..2: Key Points: Mr Darcy. 3: Lizzie Bennet's Song. 4: Key Points: Lizzie Bennet. 5: The Bingleys' Song. 6: Key Points: The Bingleys. 7: Wickham's Song. 8: Key Points: Wickham. 9: Mr Collins' song. 10: Key Points: Mr Collins. 11: Mr and Mrs Bennets' Song. 12: Key Points: Mr Bennet. 13: Key Points: Mrs Bennet. 14: The Language of P&P Song. 15: Key Points: The Language. 16: The Structure of P&P Song. 17: Key Points: The Structure. 18: The Historical Context of P&P. 19: Key Points : Historical Context.20: Key Vocabulary for P&P. The guide has 20 tracks and is 1 hour 18 minutes long.

Listen Learn Revise. As featured on The Gabby Logan Show (Radio 5 Live) and in the Times Educational (TES). Learn/revise through song and spoken word. A highly effective way to remember all of the key characters and facts. Track listing: 1:Atticus' Song . 2: Key Points Atticus. 3: The Ewells Song. 4: Key points the Ewells. 5: Tom Robinson's Song. 6: Key Points: Tom Robinson 7: Boo Radley's Song. 8: Key Points Boo Radley. 9: Calpurnia's Song. 10 Key Points: Calpurnia. 11: Jem's Song. 12: key points Jem. 13: Dill's Song. 14 Key Points: Dill. 15: Scouts Song. 16: Key Points Scout. 17: The Structure Song. 18 Key Points the Structure. 19: The Language Song: Key Points the Language. The guide has 20 tracks and is 1 hour 19 minutes long.

Listen Learn Revise. As featured on The Gabby Logan Show (Radio 5 Live) and in the Times Educational Supplement (TES). Learn/revise through song and spoken word. A highly effective way to remember all of the key events and facts about Weimar and Nazi Germany. Also includes code for bonus downloadable GCSE style model answers. Track listing: 1. The Treaty of Versailles, the Spartacist Uprising and the Kapp Putsch song. 2. Key Points: The Treaty of Versailles. 3. Ruhr 1923 and the Munich Beer Hall Putsch Song. 4. Key Points: Ruhr 1923 and the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. 5. Boom and Bust 1924 - 1929 Song. 6. Key Points: Boom and Bust 1924 - 1929. 7. How the Nazis got into Power Song. 8. Key Points: How the Nazis got into Power. 9. The Reichstag Fire/Enabling Act Song. 10. Key Points: The Reichstag Fire/Enable Act 11. The Night of the Long Knives Song. 12. Key Points: The Night of the Long Knives. 13. Education and the Hitler Youth Song. 14. Key Points: Education and the Hitler Youth. 15. Nazi Propaganda Song. 16. Key Points: Nazi Propaganda. 17. Women in Nazi Germany Song. 18. Key Points: Women in Nazi Germany. 19. Unemployment and Work Song. 20.Key Points: Unemployment and Work.
21. Persecution of the Jews and Minority Groups Song. 22. Key Points: Persecution of the Jews and Minority Groups. 23. Opposition to Nazism Song. 24. Key Points: Opposition to the Nazis. 25. Nazism and the Arts Song. 26. Key Points: Nazism and the Arts. The guide has 26 tracks and is 1 hour 19 minutes long.