Book 1660


by Emma Darcy

Published 1 April 1998

Book 1822

The Secret Mistress

by Emma Darcy

Published 1 January 1999

One more night...

Tricked into believing Luis Angel Martinez was committed to marrying another woman, and convinced he had drawn her into being his secret mistress, Shontelle had ended their affair, declaring he'd been no more to her than an interesting Latin lover.

Two years on, Luis wasn't married and he was the only man who could get her brother's tour group out of danger... in exchange for one more night with her. But what would it be - a night of truth , love or vengeance ?

Book 1870

A Marriage Betrayed

by Emma Darcy

Published 1 October 1999
Through an exclusive arrangement with the publisher, Thorndike Press offers the finest selections from the popular Harlequin Romance line in a library hardcover format. Harlequin fans are delighted to find favorite authors like Betty Neels, Emma Darcy, and Penny Jordan published in easy-to-read, lightweight, durable hardcovers -- perfect for outreach and homebound library services.Adopted, but now alone, Kristy went in search of her natural family. When Armand Dutournier burst into her life, accusing her of betrayals she had not committed, Kristy could only wonder -- did she have a perfect double? Could she possibly have a twin?