Modeling is the process of formulating a mathematical description of the system. A model, no matter how detailed, is never a completely accurate representation of a real physical system. A mathematical model is always just an approximation of the true, physical reality of the system dynamics.

Uncertainty refers to the differences or errors between model and real systems and whatever methodology is used to present these errors will be called an uncertainty model. Successful robust control-system design would depend on, to a certain extent, an appropriate description of the perturbation considered.

Modeling the uncertainties in the switch mode DC-DC converters is an important step in designing robust controllers. This book studies different techniques which can be used to extract the uncertain model of DC-DC converters. Once the uncertain model is extracted, robust control techniques such as ��∞ and μ synthesis can be used to design the robust controller.

The book is composed of two case studies. The first one is a buck converter and the second one is a Zeta converter. MATLAB® programming is used extensively throughout the book. Some sections use PLECS® as well.

This book is intended to be guide for both academicians and practicing engineers.

Electronic Measurements

by Farzin Asadi and Kei Eguchi

Published 24 February 2021
Measurement is the process of obtaining the magnitude of a quantity relative to an agreed standard. Electronic measurement, which is the subject of this book, is the measurement of electronic quantities like voltage, current, resistance, inductance, and capacitance, to name a few.

This book provides practical information concerning the techniques in electronic measurements and knowledge on how to use the electronic measuring instruments appropriately. The book is composed of five chapters.
  • Chapter 1 focuses on digital multimeters. You will learn how to use it for measurement of AC/DC voltages/currents, resistance, connection test, and diode forward voltage drop test.
  • Chapter 2 focuses on power supplies. Although power supplies are not a measurement device, they have an undeniable role in many measurements. So, being able to use power supplies correctly is quite important.
  • Chapter 3 focuses on function generators. Like the power supplies, the function generators are not a measurement device in the first look. However, they play a very important role in many electronic measurements. So, being able to use a function generator correctly is an important skill any technician or engineer needs.
  • Chapter 4 focuses on oscilloscopes. These days, digital oscilloscopes are the most commonly used tool in both industry and university. Because of this, this chapter focuses on digital oscilloscopes not on the analog ones which are almost obsolete.
  • Chapter 5 focuses on drawing graph of data you obtained from your measurement. Visualization of data is very important in practical works. This chapter show how you can use MATLAB® for drawing the graph of your measurements./li>

This book could be used a laboratory supplement for students of electrical/mechanical/mechatronics engineering, for technicians in the field of electrical/electronics engineering, and for anyone who is interested to make electronic circuits.