Book 2

Crow is in designer heaven; Nonie's caught the eye of a gorgeous
boy; Jenny has a new play.

But poor Edie's in trouble ... the rumours are that slave children
in India have been making their high-street collection.

It's up to the girls to save their fashion dream.

Book 3

Four girls have four dreams. Crow is on the way to becoming an international
fashion designer. Jenny's been discovered by a Broadway
composer. Edie still wants to go to Harvard. Nonie ... isn't really
sure, but knows it's something fashion-related and wonderful.
They're growing up and on the brink of glittering careers. So
why are their lives so complicated? Why does success demand sacrifices,
and which ones are they willing to make?
In this, the final book of the Threads trilogy, Nonie discovers that
life is just beginning. The girls have choices to make. Who will
wait for fame?

Who will emerge an outright star? Who will fall in love? And who
will turn her back on all her dreams? This time the answers are in
New York.

It's a long way for Nonie to travel, especially with only one teeny-weeny
wheelie bag. But for the sake of her friendships, Nonie
will do whatever it takes.


by Sophia Bennett

Published 7 September 2009
Fashion fairy tales really can happen.

Nonie, Edie and Jenny are best friends with very individual tastes.
Nonie's a real trend setter and her passion is fashion. Humanitarian
Edie is on a mission to save the world. And budding actress
Jenny has just landed a small part in a Hollywood blockbuster.

But when these three friends meet a young African refugee called
Crow, sketching a dress at the Victoria and Albert Museum, they discover
a common passion and somehow find a way to make all of their
dreams come true.