The Manager as Change Leader

by Ann Gilley

Published 1 January 2005

In The Manager as Change Leader, Ann Gilley examines the complexities of change from the manager's perspective, providing readers with the tools to help themselves, their employees, and their colleagues successfully engage in the change efforts that will propel their organizations into the future. In a challenge to traditional approaches-which presume that organizational change will occur once an initiative has been launched-Gilley focuses on the challenges that managers face when others resist change, before, during, and even after the process has been implemented. She explains that resistance to change is natural and inevitable, and offers practical approaches to overcoming organizational inertia, focusing on the specific skills in leadership, management, problem solving, communication, and personal relationships that contribute to successful change. Featuring a wide array of diagnostic and development tools, worksheets, and references, The Manager as Change Leader will become an indispensable resource for any manager faced with leading or navigating a change program, whether large scale or small.

To say that businesses today must contend with constant change is an understatement. New technologies, new competitors, new markets, new products, new employees-if your company is not already anticipating their impact you've fallen behind the curve. And yet, as managers acknowledge, and even embrace, change as a reality of organizational life, the success rate of change efforts is perilously low. In The Manager as Change Leader, Ann Gilley examines the complexities of change from the manager's perspective, providing readers with the tools to help themselves, their employees, and their colleagues successfully engage in the change efforts that will propel their organizations into the future.

The Manager as Coach

by Jerry W Gilley and Ann Gilley

Published 1 January 2007

In theory, managers serve as guides, directors, decision makers, and energizers for their employees. Unfortunately, few managers have, themselves, been trained in the skills and techniques to get the best results from their employees, and managerial styles can run the gamut from permissive-but-ineffectual to aloof to autocratic. In The Manager as Coach, the authors focus on the key purposes of coaching-improving individual performance, solving problems, and securing results-in order to address the challenges of effective management head-on. Dispelling popular myths and misconceptions about coaching as a passing fad or a collection of superficial motivation techniques, they offer practical tools for mastering the skills of effective coaching to the benefit of employees and the organization, identifying four primary roles that managers-as coaches-play on a regular basis: trainer, career advisor, strategist, and performance appraiser. Featuring diagnostic exercises, worksheets, and a listing of resources, The Manager as Coach will help readers develop the qualities and skills to align individual and organizational goals and forge dynamic, productive relationships.

Whether large or small, manufacturing or service, every organization selects managers and assigns them the task of securing results through people. In theory, managers serve as guides, directors, decision makers, and energizers for their employees. Unfortunately, few managers have, themselves, been trained in the skills and techniques to get the best results from their employees, and managerial styles can run the gamut from permissive-but-ineffectual to aloof to autocratic.

This volume in The Manager as... series addresses the challenges of effective management head-on by exploring the role of manager as coach. Focusing on the key purposes of coaching-improving individual performance, solving problems, and securing results-the authors dispel popular myths and misconceptions of management coaching as a passing fad, a process of endless tutoring, or superficial motivation techniques, and offer practical tools for mastering the skills of effective coaching to the benefit of both employees and the organization. They identify four primary roles managers-as coaches-play on a regular basis: trainer, career advisor, strategist, and performance appraiser. Featuring diagnostic exercises, worksheets, and a listing of resources, The Manager as Coach will help readers develop the qualities and skills to align individual and organizational goals and forge dynamic, productive relationships.

Anyone who manages more than one direct report becomes, de facto, a team leader, mediator, and communicator extraordinaire. From meetings to training exercises to brainstorming sessions, managers are called upon to lead groups-defining goals and tasks and bridging differences among members to collaborate and innovate. Drawing from their extensive research, teaching, and practical application in the field of counseling and group dynamics, the authors show readers how to master the role of facilitator-one who engages others in dialogue, resolves conflicts, and steers groups toward collective solutions. From leading project teams to getting buy-in for new policy recommendations, managers will develop skills that can be applied in many contexts, wherever people are working in groups, ultimately contributing to greater awareness and understanding of different points of view. Featuring diagnostic exercises, worksheets, examples, and an extensive listing of resources, The Manager as Facilitator will provide individuals and teams with the tools to promote effective communication, capitalize on diversity, and improve productivity.

Anyone who manages more than one direct report becomes, de facto, a team leader, mediator, and communicator extraordinaire. From meetings to training exercises to brainstorming sessions, managers are called upon to lead groups-defining goals and tasks, creating a climate of mutual support, and bridging differences among members to collaborate and innovate. Drawing from their extensive research, teaching, and practical application in the field of counseling and group dynamics, the authors show readers how to master the role of facilitator-one who engages others in dialogue, resolves conflicts, and steers groups toward collective solutions.

From leading project teams to getting buy-in for new policy recommendations, managers will develop the skills that can be applied in many contexts, wherever people are working in groups, ultimately contributing to greater awareness and understanding of different points of view. Featuring diagnostic exercises, worksheets, examples, and an extensive listing of resources, The Manager as Facilitator will provide individuals and teams with the tools to promote effective communication, capitalize on diversity, and improve productivity.

Against the backdrop of corporate downsizings and rightsizings that have forever blurred the line between leaders and followers, The Manager as Leader presents practical strategies, tools, and techniques for developing the leadership mindset and applying it on a daily basis. The book introduces the Contextual Leadership Model, which identifies nine fundamental leadership roles and six common contexts in which leadership is exercised, and guides readers toward matching their roles and actions to the particular context at hand-as well as making adjustments when context changes. Packed with illustrative examples, diagnostic tools, worksheets, and other interactive elements, and featuring an extensive listing of resources, The Manager as Leader is a hands-on guide to the art of leadership, whether you are an executive, manager, supervisor, or aspiring leader anywhere in the organization.

An invisible line between individual contributor and leader was once thought to exist, separating leaders from followers. Two decades of downsizings and rightsizings have forever blurred this distinction and left us with three fundamental challenges: (1) How can an organization elicit leadership from everyone?; (2) How can those who choose to lead influence others to perform more effectively and efficiently than they ever thought possible?; (3) How can leaders continue to be successful when the environment in which they lead is constantly changing?

Addressing these challenges requires a certain awareness and nimbleness on behalf of the person thinking and acting as the leader, regardless of their formal position. The Manager as Leader presents practical strategies, tools, and techniques for developing the leadership mindset and applying it on a daily basis. The book introduces the Contextual Leadership Model, which identifies nine fundamental leadership roles and six common contexts in which leadership is exercised, and guides readers toward matching their roles and actions to the particular context at hand; it also shows readers how to anticipate changes in context and adjust their roles and actions accordingly. Packed with illustrative examples, diagnostic tools, worksheets, and other interactive elements, and featuring an extensive listing of resources, The Manager as Leader is a hands-on guide to the art of leadership, whether you are an executive, manager, supervisor, or aspiring leader anywhere in the organization.

The Manager as Politician

by Jerry W Gilley

Published 1 January 2005

Politics is a way of life in every organization. Like it or not, managers must develop political savvy in order to succeed as leaders; every interaction has political undertones that affect their performance in the workplace. As politicians, managers are called upon to bring together parties with different (and often competing) agendas, and to demonstrate the experience, capabilities, and qualities necessary to solve problems and make decisions in a timely fashion. As politicians, managers must be keenly aware of the human and organizational aspects of conflict—along with techniques to resolve it—while successfully balancing individual, group, and organization-wide goals and priorities.

The Manager as Politician examines the dynamics of organizational power plays and interpersonal communication, and shows managers how to step over landmines, overcome challenges, and develop the skills and instincts necessary for political survival. Jerry W. Gilley outlines the key roles and responsibilities of the political navigator, who is adept at identifying allies and foes, building trust, and delivering results. Featuring personal assessment and development tools and an extensive listing of related books, journals, organizations and web sites, The Manager as Politician is an essential resource for managers looking to establish effective relationships with employees, colleagues, and organizational leaders, while enhancing their authority and influence.