Angelina Jolie

by Kathleen A. Tracy

Published 1 March 2001

Angelina Jolie has understandably created a mystique in the eyes of the public. A rare beauty and skilled actress, she has already earned an Emmy, Golden Globe, and Academy award. Her unconventional personal life, however, has consistently drawn as much attention as her acting skills. Over the past decade, fans have watched her evolve from Hollywood's rebellious wild child - infamous for her bold tattoos and shocking two-year marriage to actor Billy-Bob Thornton - to a mother and committed human rights advocate. Together she and Brad Pitt have adopted three international children, sparking an adoption trend among other celebrities. Best known for portraying strong, edgy women in film, Jolie exudes her own strength off-screen as she gracefully balances the pressures of family life, humanitarian efforts, and a flourishing career.

This detailed biography includes a chronology of significant events, illustrations, and a bibliography of print and electronic resources. Ideal for fans and general readers looking to learn more about one of today's most intriguing and sought-after celebrities.

Judy Blume

by Kathleen A. Tracy

Published 30 December 2007

Judy Blume is one of the most popular authors of children's and young adult fiction in American history. For over 30 years, her books and career have withstood the test of time and she continues to resonate with new generations of young readers. While she is arguably one of the most important authors of the twentieth century, she is also one of the most banned. What is perhaps the most surprising aspect of Blume's career is that despite today's proliferation of cable channels and easy Internet access, books of hers written decades ago about every day life events that all teenagers experience still manage to find themselves at the center of censorship debates. Rather than change her style, the efforts to censor her books turned Blume into an activist and champion for the First Amendment. Inside this biography Kathleen Tracy explores the life and career of Judy Blume, one of the most successful-and most controversial-authors of twentieth century.

In addition to tracing the events of Bloom's life, this engaging biography discusses historic and current censorship issues in classrooms and libraries across the country. Her association with the National Coalition Against Censorship, a group that Blume says changed her life, as did her friendship with the organization's longtime director, Leanne Katz, is examined in detail as well as how libraries, teachers, publishers and grass-roots activists have responded to the ever-growing attempts to censor children's reading material. In-depth chapters are supplemented with a bibliography of print and electronic sources that provide suggested readings for students and general readers alike. Also included is a timeline, photos, and an appendix of free speech resources.

Jennifer Lopez

by Kathleen A. Tracy

Published 30 September 2008
One of Hollywood's first openly Latin stars, Jennifer Lopez has held fast to her New York Bronx roots, while rising above them to become the highest paid Latina actress in history. Her expansive body of work-ranging from film, music, and dance to television production and fashion-has broken down long-standing racial barriers and earned her a place in Forbes' 2007 list of the Top 20 Richest Women in Entertainment. In spite of several box office and a dramatic personal life that has made her the frequent target of tabloid gossip, this determined artist has managed to retain her place at the top of her field and stands poised to make more significant contributions to the entertainment industry.

Since bursting into the spotlight with her portrayal of deceased Latin superstar Selena in 1997, Jennifer Lopez has captivated the public eye and carved a niche for herself among Hollywood's elite. One of Hollywood's first openly Latin stars, Jennifer Lopez has held fast to her New York Bronx roots, while rising above them to become the highest paid Latina actress in history. Her expansive body of work-ranging from film, music, and dance to television production and fashion-has broken down long-standing racial barriers and earned her a place in Forbes' 2007 list of the Top 20 Richest Women in Entertainment. Her dramatic personal life-highlighted by a relationship with bad-boy Sean Puffy Combs, two divorces, a highly-publicized broken engagement to Ben Affleck, and marriage to Latin singer Marc Anthony-has earned her as much attention as her career and made her a frequent subject of tabloid gossip. Negative press and several box office flops, however, have done little to diminish J.Lo's popularity. This determined artist has managed hold her place at the top of her field and stand poised to make more important contributions to the entertainment industry.

Hollywood journalist Kathleen Tracy explores Jennifer Lopez as both an individual and an entertainer, chronicling the triumphs and pitfalls of her groundbreaking career and intriguing personal life. Complete with a chronology of significant events, illustrations, and a bibliography of print and electronic resources, this detailed biography is ideal for general readers looking to learn more about their favorite star or for students researching the role of race in America's entertainment business.

Elvis Presley

by Kathleen A. Tracy

Published 30 November 2006
Almost 30 years after his death, Elvis Presley remains one of the most influential performers and recognized pop culture icons the world over. His then-unprecedented musical style-a fusion of blues, country, pop, bluegrass, and gospel-ushered in the age of rock n' roll and paved the way for generations of musicians and singers to follow. This biography will offer a seldom seen glimpse into the life of Elvis, tracing his family life, musical career, films, and legacy. The volume closes with a timeline and bibliography.

Not only did Elvis usher in a new genre of music, he also came to represent the growing dissatisfaction young people had with the mores and conventions of the restrictive 1950s. At a time when the top pop stars were Pat Boone and Andy Williams, Elvis' blatant sensuality on stage and his smoldering presence off it made him the anti-establishment poster boy. This biography offers a seldom seen glimpse into the life and career of Elvis, tracing his family life, musical career, films, and legacy. Today, the King lives on in popular culture-on Top 20 lists, in film and television, on the radio, in cyberspace, and yes, even in the countless performances by Elvis impersonators throughout the world.