Book 1

Queen's Lady

by Barbara Kyle

Published 1 August 2008

London 1527. Marry or serve: for Honor Larke, the choice is clear. Unwilling to perish of boredom as an obedient wife, she leaves the home of her guardian to attend Her Majesty Queen Catherine of Aragon.

Angered by the humiliation heaped upon her mistress as Henry VIII cavorts with...

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Book 2

The King's Daughter

by Barbara Kyle

Published 1 March 2009
A battle royal between two warring sisters...Upon the death of King Henry VIII, Queen Mary assumes the Tudor throne. Her first order of business is to wed the Catholic King Philip of Spain, creating a powerful alliance that will transform Mary's fanatical dream of ridding England of Protestantism into...Read more

Book 4

The Queen's Gamble

by Barbara Kyle

Published 1 August 2011
"Young Queen Elizabeth I's path to the throne has been a perilous one, and already she faces a dangerous crisis. French troops have landed in Scotland to quell a rebel Protestant army, and Elizabeth fears once they are entrenched on the border, they will invade England. Isabel Thornleigh has...Read more

Book 5

Blood Between Queens

by Barbara Kyle

Published 1 January 2013

Book 6

The Queen's Exiles

by Barbara Kyle

Published 1 January 2014

Book 7

The Traitor's Daughter

by Barbara Kyle

Published 1 January 2015