When Jesus wrapped Himself in a towel and washed His disciples' feet, He demonstrated one of the most powerful ways to share the Good News: by serving others. Now youth leaders can help teens in their group understand this powerful principle and put it into practice, using Sharing Your Faith and Serving Others, the newest in the Uncommon series of group studies from veteran youth minister Jim Burns. Through 12 sessions of study, teens will move from accepting the gospel to living it, by serving their friends, families, youth group and church!

Winning Spiritual Battles

by Ph D Jim Burns and Jim Burns

Published 6 December 2011

The Old Testament

by Ph D Jim Burns and Jim Burns

Published 19 November 2010
The Old Testament is so much more than an old book filled with funny names and endless rules about sacrifices - it's where we first get to know the God who keeps His promises, works miracles and forgives His people when they make poor choices. With Uncommon: The Old Testament, developed by youth ministry veteran Jim Burns, youth leaders can introduce their teens to key events and characters from the Hebrew Bible. Students will learn to see God's Word as an exciting drama that finds its completion in Jesus Christ.Through 12 flexible sessions of study that can be adapted for groups of any size, teens will learn how to listen to God's voice, what it takes to stand up for God's people, where to go when the going gets tough, and much more. Plus, the action - packed, fun activities and indispensable tips for starting meaningful dialogue will equip leaders to tell the old, old story in a fresh and vital way.

Today's teens deal with stresses that most of us never imagined when we were in high school: teen depression, suicide, AIDS and other STDs, pornography at the click of a mouse. Many teenagers feel stressed out and helpless in the face of such issues. So how can youth leaders help teens in their group develop the coping skills and strength of heart to deal with the crises that arise in their lives? Youth - ministry veteran Jim Burns has developed Uncommon: Dealing with Stress & Crisis to equip leaders with the tools they need to start effective conversations and build a supportive peer community. Using the Bible as a foundation, this study provides leaders with indispensable tips for guiding dialog to get their teens talking, thinking and praying. Includes downloadable, reproducible handouts to make planning interactive Bible studies a snap.

Uncommon Camps & Retreats

by Jim Burns

Published 1 October 2010

Uncommon Dramas, Skits & Sketches

by Jim Burns

Published 12 November 2009