Antique Flowers

by Rob Proctor

Published 18 October 1990
Some of the most enchanting blooms in the garden are borne by the antique species of annuals - those plants that complete their life cycle in a single year, and have been in continuous cultivation for over 100 years. Already flowers that stand out on their own - cosmos, foxglove and flowering tobacco for example - antique annuals often steal the scene in a contemporary garden. Annuals can be planted in any combination to create bright new gardens, to recreate Victorian period gardens of red, white and blue, or to revel in an English cottage garden. This illustrated book, with 140 photographs and watercolours, explores the history and use of over 50 of these legendary plants. Horticultural advice is provided, as well as the history and folklore, myths and legends of each plant featured. A listing of UK sources and suppliers is also included.